The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I won't get my hopes up until after the treatment, but yeah, that's so worth a try!
Best of luck.

I know what we're willing to try to be in less pain. I have a Neuro stimulator with 3 electrodes placed against my spinal cord. That thought terrifies me but... Where they cross over the spine it is uncomfortable , but since losing the weight I've lost, the box is very visible in my back even through baggy clothing. It actually sticks out and when I lie down I have to do it gently whilst it shifts into the body against the lower rib cage...
Best of luck.

I know what we're willing to try to be in less pain. I have a Neuro stimulator with 3 electrodes placed against my spinal cord. That thought terrifies me but... Where they cross over the spine it is uncomfortable , but since losing the weight I've lost, the box is very visible in my back even through baggy clothing. It actually sticks out and when I lie down I have to do it gently whilst it shifts into the body against the lower rib cage...
Hey, I am sorry to hear this is causing you discomfort and is maybe visible when you don't want it? I know the feeling, I don't particularly like it when my stoma bag is visible either. But like you said, less pain is worth a lot. :hug:

Is the thing you describe a TENS like unit? I have one too, it helps when I have back pain caused by my hypermobility.
Belated Happy Lunar New Year to all and wishing you Health, Wealth and Prosperity! You know in China they celebrate for an entire week? I guess by those standards I am not late in my greeting after all!
Been a bit busy with work, might not be online as much until Friday, but wanted to say hi to my favorite forum :)
Blue skies and sunshine (again) here. No rain for weeks, or if there was, it was overnight and went unnoticed. Its not even cold considering its February (11C - 50 F).

It is overcast here, and the temperature is dropping. The front must be arriving.

Hey, I am sorry to hear this is causing you discomfort and is maybe visible when you don't want it? I know the feeling, I don't particularly like it when my stoma bag is visible either. But like you said, less pain is worth a lot. :hug:

Is the thing you describe a TENS like unit? I have one too, it helps when I have back pain caused by my hypermobility.
It's this
Getting Neurostimulation | Abbott Neuromodulation
"I can guarantee the lights will stay on," said Governor Abbott. (November 26, 2021)

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said "no one can guarantee" power outages won't happen again as the state prepares for freezing and inclement weather... (February 1, 2022)

I am totally prepared for whatever happens in the next few days. This storm isn't as severe as the one last February, so hopefully the grid can stay up, but I have zero faith in our Texas government and our Governot to have done the right things to safeguard the grid.

I needed ONE thing at the store, so I ran up to the nearby Walmart. The parking lot was full. When I got inside, people were lined up 50 deep to check out. :eek: I decided to get what I needed at the 7-Eleven by my house, even if it would cost double the Walmart price. I wasn't waiting in that line for ONE thing.

I looked at some carts on the way out. People are panic buying due to the Winter storm coming our way. People remember what happened last year. Carts were full of bottled water -- our water treatment plants in Frisco were fine last year, but in a lot of places, those went down.

I got home and lit a fire in the fireplace, mainly for psycho-poodle, for now. I'll sit by the fire later. I may even sleep by the fire tonight.

. The parking lot was full. When I got inside, people were lined up 50 deep to check out. :eek: I decided to get what I needed at the 7-Eleven by my house, even if it would cost double the Walmart price. I wasn't waiting in that line for ONE thing.

Good move, I think! Hope you have a nice snooze by that fire.
What is it with fire alarms and the middle of the night? Not impressed (again). For once hubby didn't actually sleep through it though...

Oh yeah and it was 9°C this morning. Brr. That really is a cold summers mining in Australia.
We’re gearing up here, calling for up to eight inches of snow and 1/4-inch of ice, as well as 35mph winds.

We’ll see…
My GI is going to refer me to a pain specialist, because there's a 50% chance that my chronic pain is caused by irritated nerves due to scarring in the abdomen. I will get a treatment that might bring those nerves back in their normal state, which would cause me to be without pain if I am in that 50% group.
I'm praying it will work, because that means I would be pain free for the first time in 20 years! I can't even imagine what that would be like..
I'm stunned by the idea of this, it sounds like a dream.

I won't get my hopes up until after the treatment, but yeah, that's so worth a try!

Have you tried gabapentin as a pain relief. Works wonders for me.

We’re gearing up here, calling for up to eight inches of snow and 1/4-inch of ice, as well as 35mph winds.

We’ll see…

Cincinnati is supposed to get ice, topped by sleet, topped by snow. You won't be going anywhere if that happens.

The latest forecast shows an ice storm for us. I brag about my Audi in snow, but ice is a totally different thing. Even the best AWD system in the world can't help you stop on ice. The laws of physics say a 4,000 pound vehicle on ice is not going to stop any time soon. So, it looks like I may be stuck at home tomorrow. I'll drive on snow, but I don't mess with ice.

Here is the forecast for DFW...

Screen Shot 2022-02-02 at 4.19.10 PM.jpg

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