The General Chat Thread (2023)

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I hope it goes well for you, Windigo !

We’re in a bit of the opposite boat here - few years ago, pre-pandemic, my husband became completely estranged/disowned by his parents (by the parents’ choice). I won’t go into the reasons because they’re long and very stupid, but we haven’t had contact with them in several years.

My husband’s close friend recently went through the same thing (although it was a long time coming in that case), so we’re supporting him as he navigates the change as well.
:hug:I totally understand, estrangement is a very painful thing even if it's necessary to do so. I hope taking this space will achieve whatever outcome is needed for your husband and his friend.

I'm giving my parents a chance as they said they are willing to change their behaviour and leave the past in the past. But the proof is in walking the walk, not talking the talk. So we're starting off slow just sending messages and faceapping here and there. They don't know where I live yet and not all my private details. They will have to prove things are different. But of course I want to give them that chance.
I hope it works out for you. 🤞

My ex-step father has also reached out via my sister wanting to see my husband and I when we holiday to the UK in October. We've agreed if he comes to us (he lives a long way south and we've a family wedding to attend amongst other "fun".) We've not really spoken since the divorce decades ago.
I hope that works out for you too! :hug:
Good luck to both of you (SatNavSaysStraightOn & Windigo) on reconnecting.

We spent a couple of years somewhat estranged from one of MrsT’s sisters - she’s just not a very good person overall, but she was particularly awful during one period, and both MrsT and her other sister just stopped having anything to do with her.

Since then, they’ve all more or less gotten back on speaking terms, but I still neither like nor trust her, and the other sister’s husband feels the same. :laugh:

We have one sister in my family who’s been cut off completely from two of us, but with the things that are going on with my folks, they cross paths a lot and are trying to be civil, and so far it’s working. They’ll never be close, but at least they’re talking.
I have as little to do with my mother as possible which wasn't hard when she was relishing shutting me out of her life. Unfortunately since her other half died she keeps coming back down to stay with my dad and that makes it hard to avoid her.

I do occasionally fib and extend the dates I'm in Spain so I can say I'm away. I think I should feel guilty but I just view it as necessary for protecting my mental health while avoiding unnecessary conflict. This way everything remains amicable and I don't have to see her.

Mind you it was a bit tricky when I'd said I was away and went to the supermarket and she was in there.
I saw a massive stack of baskets being wheeled back to the door so I ducked behind them and slipped out. I still find it funny now, a grown ass woman hiding from her mum :giggle:
I have as little to do with my mother as possible which wasn't hard when she was relishing shutting me out of her life. Unfortunately since her other half died she keeps coming back down to stay with my dad and that makes it hard to avoid her.

I do occasionally fib and extend the dates I'm in Spain so I can say I'm away. I think I should feel guilty but I just view it as necessary for protecting my mental health while avoiding unnecessary conflict. This way everything remains amicable and I don't have to see her.

Mind you it was a bit tricky when I'd said I was away and went to the supermarket and she was in there.
I saw a massive stack of baskets being wheeled back to the door so I ducked behind them and slipped out. I still find it funny now, a grown ass woman hiding from her mum :giggle:
I've had no contact with my biological father (or his family) since I was ?7 maybe... don't want it either if even half of what I've been told is true (and the lady who told me was very literally on her death bed at the time. She wanted to tell me more, but didn't have the strength, she died a few days later). I was able to contact his mother in my teens but she died before i left secondary school, so that was the sum total of the contact. I met my godmother, her husband (my biological father's brother) and their son once back when I was a teenager. I maintained contact via letters until his death. She moved and I didn't get her new address.

One of my uncles (mother's brother) left the family back in the 80s. We've had no contact with him since. I wouldn't object to seeing him again.

The other uncle (on my mum's side) on the other hand, well I'd rather I never had known him and since my grandfather's death, my mother has finally accepted that we're all better off not knowing him. I could have told her that a long time ago, but she kept hoping... he's been the cause of so many family problems... so I literally have my mum and 2nd step father, 1 full brother, 1 half sister & brother and a step brother who "arrived" with the 2nd step father some 15 years ago. That's it for "close" family on my side.

Hubby's family is normal thankfully.
I've had no contact with my biological father (or his family) since I was ?7 maybe... don't want it either if even half of what I've been told is true (and the lady who told me was very literally on her death bed at the time. She wanted to tell me more, but didn't have the strength, she died a few days later). I was able to contact his mother in my teens but she died before i left secondary school, so that was the sum total of the contact. I met my godmother, her husband (my biological father's brother) and their son once back when I was a teenager. I maintained contact via letters until his death. She moved and I didn't get her new address.

One of my uncles (mother's brother) left the family back in the 80s. We've had no contact with him since. I wouldn't object to seeing him again.

The other uncle (on my mum's side) on the other hand, well I'd rather I never had known him and since my grandfather's death, my mother has finally accepted that we're all better off not knowing him. I could have told her that a long time ago, but she kept hoping... he's been the cause of so many family problems... so I literally have my mum and 2nd step father, 1 full brother, 1 half sister & brother and a step brother who "arrived" with the 2nd step father some 15 years ago. That's it for "close" family on my side.

Hubby's family is normal thankfully.

I guess I'm fortunate. Although my mom used to drive me batty, it wasn't too bad. After I left for College, I just made sure to live at least 200 miles from her, so we would only be together for short visits. :wink: The last time I lived with my parents was the day after I graduated High School.

My dad was always working, which culminated with him becoming President and COO of a major oil company. But, the price he paid is that we never did much together, so we never formed much of a bond. But that is who he is. With apologies to Descartes, my Dad's motto was "I work, therefore I am."

His brother, and his wife, and their kids and grandkids. Are a very close family. Both our family and his family get along great, although we live a long distance from them. My Uncle and Aunt were just down here last month.

My mom's twin sister died as an infant, so no Aunts or Uncles on that side.

My sister and I had NO friends in common growing up. My University and her's were an hour apart, and I went to a lot of TCU football games with her, and she set me up with dates with some of her sorority sisters. :okay: When she graduated and bought a home, I became her unpaid handyman. Now that she lives in Houston, I can't just pop over to fix thing for her. But, she keeps a list of thing for me to do when I I'm down there. :laugh: We talk a lot on the phone now that my parents are needing a lot of attention.

My family has been great. I don't particularly like some of their characteristics and choices in life but we still endure one another..I'm sure they have their qualms with me..But, we all keep our opinions to ourselves..I bought my mother's house after she passed so I inherited the family, in one form or another, every major holiday and birthday so that makes it pretty easy for me to see everybody. ..If they didn't come here, I honestly wouldn't see them as much because I work six days a week and only have Sunday off...I hate going anywhere on my one day love to cook for them all so it is a good trade off as they all have to drive an hour or more to come here...
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My wifes family are a nightmare. Family of 9. When her mum died my wife and her sister were executors of the will. When they sold her home my phone never stopped ringing from her 7 brother wanting their money. They were so whiney I blew up with them. Forbid them ringing here.
She only talks to her sister and 3 bros. One of her older brothers died last year, they all got together (I didn't even go to the funeral) they connected until after the funeral. Then back to normal. No contact.
My family are a tight knit group. Something I strive for.

Treasure your family while you have them, unless they are toxic.

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I don't particularly like some of their characteristics and choices in life but we still endure one another..I'm sure they have their qualms with me..But, we all keep our opinions to ourselves.

My parents and sister are all Evangelical Christian Republicans. If they start talking politics around me, I politely respond, and within seconds, they want to change the subject. They do NOT like having their beliefs challenged. :laugh:

My parents and sister are all Evangelical Christian Republicans. If they start talking politics around me, I politely respond, and within seconds, they want to change the subject. They do NOT like having their beliefs challenged. :laugh:

We rarely talk politics and none of us are practicing Christians..maybe that is why we all get along..we mostly talk about popular culture and our daily lives...with the odd bit of gossip..then, there are all of the stories we've all heard a thousand times before..I keep busy in the kitchen and after 2 or 3 pints I can pretty much endure anything..
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