The General Chat Thread (2024)

I like a beard, any type, long and wild is fine by me!
Here’s the longest my beard has ever been, England 2018:

It's far from wild. Very neatly trimmed. I thnk of wild as in ZZ Top beards, which they were doing way before it was ever a popular thing.

You look like a completely different person with a beard than without the beard.
Those Duck Dynasty beards are pretty popular here - used to sort of prove your “proud to be a redneck” bone fides. Maybe I’m secretly rebelling. :laugh:
It's not a sign of a redneck over here.
More a sign of rebellion because anything unkempt isn't wanted or tolerated in a work scenario.

There's a huge adherence to neat conformity on the appearance front in the UK. Anything that deviates too far from the norm is viewed with suspicion and normally attracts derisory comments.

I like things that are away from the norm, makes life more interesting.
Waiting to hear when my bike will be ready to pick up. Hope it’s while the sun is shining.
Got to find my bike ear plugs that I can play music though and cue up some easy listening. Definitely the Eagles, maybe a bit of Jack Johnson but what else should go on an Indian Scout cruisers play list 🤔

Maybe ‘It must be love’ by Madness? Perhaps some Ska? Oh the options 👏 👏 👏

Oo ooo I know must have Django Reinhart and Stephan Grappelli!
I feel the same way when my DH doesn't shave for a few weeks. Every winter he tries to grow a beard during December or January. He says to keep his face warm but I'm not buying it, I think he just gets tired of shaving. After about a month he emerges clean shaven again to a warm reception.

To be fair, leg shaving regularly is a chore so I understand the face thing.
A lot of people don't like change, I think that might be the real reason. My DH is like that. If i get a new haircut and style or if i rearrange the furniture or something he's resistant at first. He gets that way with new (to him) foods, too.

In the office we work In, my hew boss and another newish female have been pestering the boss to refurb the office, redecorate, new furniture etc...only to be met with opposition because ' it has been this way for a long time and we all know where everything is '.... honestly the moaning from the male engineers is just unreal and to be honest a bit childish which is why she calls them dinosaurs and old fa**s.
On FaceBook, I have been a member of a "local" foodies group.
I've been there for two years and have had no issues.
The other day I got a notice that I was issued two posts removed and two warnings and that if I didn't stop "breaking the rules" I would be removed as well
I didn't do anything different than what they've been allowing others to do!
I was so P.O.'d , I left that group, un-friended anyone from that group and made it so that they would not be able to contact me any longer.
That group had started to fall apart back maybe a year or so ago and when I questioned the admin folks I got huge push back.
That's enough :wave:
Well 45 minutes into the barking contest between my neighbors' large dogs who bark in a frenzied and snarling manner through the chain link fence at each other. I turned up the TV and can still hear them.

What's wild is that this is only a few feet from their windows and they're both home, how the heck they can stand the ruckus is beyond me. My window is about 100 feet away and it drives me nuts.
Yesterday outside work, cars had been damaged. Company cctv shows a school kid take a sharp implement from his pocket and deliberately scratch the side of vehicles, one in particular the scratch is really deep and will cost quite a bit to repair. The car owner reported to the police, at the time not knowing who did it, but the police won't do anything. There was talk of contacting the local school if he goes there then contact his family, he should take responsibility for his actions.
". . . . on Facebook . . . ."
had an account - simply because so many people posted a link to something there . . .
never posted anything. never reacted to anything.
had no one on my friends list.
privacy set to only friends of my friends list count send me a friend request . . .

every day I got 5-10 friend requests - from very oddball place/peoples.
got curious and looked up one the the friends request - it was a hacked account that replace some/all/most of the photos with animated pornography GIF links.
it was later revealed Facebook sold system level privileges to spammers/hackers/etc. they had the authority to by-pass privacy settings.

closed that account.

opened a new account - about a week later - not having posted or reacted to a single anything on Facebook,,,,
I was told my account was suspended for breaking the rules.
Facebook is mega-messed up.
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