I've got no idea what the variety of ants is here, but I can assure you, there are plenty.
In the kitchen, you'll often find teeny weeny an ts, no more than a milimeter long. Then in the garden, there are black, leaf eater ants, red ants, bachacos (which will strip the leaves off all your plants in a night) and a wood ant which is black, about a cm long, with a hammerhead - just like the shark. They move at the speed of light and the bite is like a red hot needle.
Then in the Amazon, there's a particular variety called the Kumachi ant, which is used to make a particularly potent hot sauce called, surprisingly, Kumache. VERY hot and slightly peanut-flavoured.
we but ant powder in the supermarket. Dump it on any trail of ants (or ant nests in the garden) and they're gone by the next day.