Here’s another distraction tale:
11AM, went to brush my teeth because my normal brushing time was interrupted by work. I wanted my teeth brushed well before noon lunch, so my lunch wouldn’t taste funny.
Walked into bathroom, which immediately triggered a need to pee, so I got that started.
While doing that, the dryer buzzer went off, and that has to be seen to immediately, because it buzzes annoyingly for five seconds, then runs for 10 seconds, then buzzes, then runs, until you shut it off. Zipped up to go shut that off.
Shut that off, and while I was standing there, the wash cycle finished, so I took the clothes from the dryer, then put in the clothes from the washer, then got the next load going in the washer.
Took the dry clothes to fold, so they don’t get wrinkled, then noticed MrsT’s bathroom trash was overflowing, so I grabbed that and took it out to the kitchen trash can, but that was too full, so I had to empty that first.
Did that, took MrsT’s trash can back to the bathroom, went to finally brush my teeth, and the dryer went off again!