The General Chat Thread (2024)

Say hello to my new hobby: adult coloring books! :laugh:

I feel like I have the painting skills of a child with color blindness, but these are incredibly relaxing and a good way to get me off my cellphone and off of social media!
Say hello to my new hobby: adult coloring books! :laugh:

I feel like I have the painting skills of a child with color blindness, but these are incredibly relaxing and a good way to get me off my cellphone and off of social media!
View attachment 113819

These things are so good, really help to calm and focus the mind.
Say hello to my new hobby: adult coloring books! :laugh:

I feel like I have the painting skills of a child with color blindness, but these are incredibly relaxing and a good way to get me off my cellphone and off of social media!
View attachment 113819
Have a look in the your other hobbies thread, Windigo enjoys the same hobby!
Here’s another distraction tale:

11AM, went to brush my teeth because my normal brushing time was interrupted by work. I wanted my teeth brushed well before noon lunch, so my lunch wouldn’t taste funny.

Walked into bathroom, which immediately triggered a need to pee, so I got that started.

While doing that, the dryer buzzer went off, and that has to be seen to immediately, because it buzzes annoyingly for five seconds, then runs for 10 seconds, then buzzes, then runs, until you shut it off. Zipped up to go shut that off.

Shut that off, and while I was standing there, the wash cycle finished, so I took the clothes from the dryer, then put in the clothes from the washer, then got the next load going in the washer.

Took the dry clothes to fold, so they don’t get wrinkled, then noticed MrsT’s bathroom trash was overflowing, so I grabbed that and took it out to the kitchen trash can, but that was too full, so I had to empty that first.

Did that, took MrsT’s trash can back to the bathroom, went to finally brush my teeth, and the dryer went off again! 😠
Here’s another distraction tale:

11AM, went to brush my teeth because my normal brushing time was interrupted by work. I wanted my teeth brushed well before noon lunch, so my lunch wouldn’t taste funny.

Walked into bathroom, which immediately triggered a need to pee, so I got that started.

While doing that, the dryer buzzer went off, and that has to be seen to immediately, because it buzzes annoyingly for five seconds, then runs for 10 seconds, then buzzes, then runs, until you shut it off. Zipped up to go shut that off.

Shut that off, and while I was standing there, the wash cycle finished, so I took the clothes from the dryer, then put in the clothes from the washer, then got the next load going in the washer.

Took the dry clothes to fold, so they don’t get wrinkled, then noticed MrsT’s bathroom trash was overflowing, so I grabbed that and took it out to the kitchen trash can, but that was too full, so I had to empty that first.

Did that, took MrsT’s trash can back to the bathroom, went to finally brush my teeth, and the dryer went off again! 😠
Hey look, a squirrel!
First world problems.Peanuts!
The electricity went off at 3am this morning.
It came back 25 minutes ago.
That meant no tea in the morning ( which is guaranteed to ruin my day :laugh:), out for breakfast and no water ( depends on the water pump) until now. No computer, no internet, mobile phone ran out of battery, fridge started to defrost (it's 30C out here).
Now that it's come back, I think I might just cook a five course meal, just for the Hell of it.:laugh::laugh:
A lot of rain today. The road I walked alongside to get to my public transport is a large, 6 track avenue through the city. Which would be just la di da, if the road unevenness had not filled with rain water. And, passing by cars made that water swoosh diagonally and to the right and up 1,5 m. Towards the sidewalk. Yes. I was on that spot. My back, my trousers and my left shoe were wet. I was really angry.
As I was on my way to work. On a time restraint to fetch the train.
I bought some new colthes at the destination. Changed and worked.
And wrote an email to the city roads maintenance.
Spoke to my landlord today who was sincerely apologetic for not getting the electricity bill to us earlier and said he'd use the money to do something to the house for us and what would we like? A new fridge? A tumble drier?

I said I really wouldn't mind if he got the boiler looked at because it was taking forever to heat up a tiny amount of water which is a pita when you have an early flight, and I think its the boiler that has been tripping the electric, meaning we sometimes arrive to a mouldy fridge 🤮

He said no problem and within 20 minutes emailed saying he was sorting a new larger capacity boiler would I like 85 or 100 litres and would I be in on Tuesday or Wednesday to have it fitted!

Such a lovely guy. He's making it impossible for us to leave and buy our own place, he just makes life so much easier than it should be!
Spoke to my landlord today who was sincerely apologetic for not getting the electricity bill to us earlier and said he'd use the money to do something to the house for us and what would we like? A new fridge? A tumble drier?

I said I really wouldn't mind if he got the boiler looked at because it was taking forever to heat up a tiny amount of water which is a pita when you have an early flight, and I think its the boiler that has been tripping the electric, meaning we sometimes arrive to a mouldy fridge 🤮

He said no problem and within 20 minutes emailed saying he was sorting a new larger capacity boiler would I like 85 or 100 litres and would I be in on Tuesday or Wednesday to have it fitted!

Such a lovely guy. He's making it impossible for us to leave and buy our own place, he just makes life so much easier than it should be!
You're very lucky to have a landlord like that.
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