The Instant Pot (pressure/multicooker) thread.

With the Ninja Foodi (their instant pot) there was a ‘crisper rack’ which I decided to give a whirl today to cook bacon.
This is their stock photo
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I didn’t look at the pic until AFTER I put my bacon in over one rack only, rather than the two they show 🙄
So 16 slices in one hit rather than the 8

It turned out well anyway which surprised me. 11 mins on air fry and no mess for me to clean up.
I appreciate you can do the same in an oven or frying pan but just plonking the pot and rack in the dishwasher with no other cleaning up to do was lovely.

View attachment 123629

The bacon was curlier but better than I expected.
I will definitely be cooking it this way when the weather gets hot.
I can't find that crisping rack.
For the Wind in the Willows fans (standard childhood reading in the UK) this is a simple potted beef recipe created by cook Kate Young in ode to Ratty’s picnics.

“There's cold chicken inside it,” replied the Rat briefly;
“O stop, stop,” cried the Mole in ecstasies: “This is too much!”

The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame ❤️

It contains relatively few ingredients but they promise to deliver a lot - shin of beef, fresh thyme, mustard seeds
, anchovy fillets, garlic cloves, black pepper
 and a very decent amount of butter.
If it works out well I’ll stick it in the fats and oils challenge.
It goes in a single layer on 150c (300F) for 4+ hours after which you shred it with a hand mixer (or stand mixer) and pot. That’s it!

Looking pretty pre the (dreaded for some) anchovies and a bit of garlic.

and with the little beauts that will make the beef taste extra beefy

Covered with a good layer of butter

Smelling good in this kitchen!
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That looks fab SandwichShortOfAPicnic - can't wait to see the end result (and hear your opinion of it). It reminds me that I keep meaning to have a go making chicken rillettes - could probably use a very similar method.
Thanks dangermouse. I did made pork rillette in the instant pot (slow cooker function) yesterday, they turned out so well I decided to try the potted beef. I put a couple of pics in the Challenge thread, fingers crossed this baked version using butter does as well 😊
Thanks dangermouse. I did made pork rillette in the instant pot (slow cooker function) yesterday, they turned out so well I decided to try the potted beef. I put a couple of pics in the Challenge thread, fingers crossed this baked version using butter does as well 😊
I think the butter version is going to be exemplary! Butter, IMHO, has a better mouthfeel than lard.
I think the butter version is going to be exemplary! Butter, IMHO, has a better mouthfeel than lard.
Normally I'd agree, I'm not a lard fan and my sons certainly don't like it but the one who's fussy about fat has just polished off an entire pot of rillette whilst say oooo this is lovely 😂
Too young for BP meds yes?

The guidance on saturated fats that we’ve all believed and been following has recently been changed. Apparently the research that advice was based on was very flawed. Personally I think unless there’s a specific medical reason to avoid specific foods then it’s best to ignore all of the experts and have everything in moderation.
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