The omelette

I love veggie omelettes.

I like my omelettes to be quite pale and fluffy. The only photo I could find of one I made is this one - it was for the dog (!), but when he has one, I have one and they are pretty much the same, although his only have one egg :laugh: Actually, I never really liked omelettes until I made my own.

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I like my omelettes to be quite pale and fluffy. The only photo I could find of one I made is this one - it was for the dog (!), but when he has one, I have one and they are pretty much the same, although his only have one egg :laugh: Actually, I never really liked omelettes until I made my own.

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I like the pale on the inside and slightly runny but with a a little golden colour on the outside. For some reason I don't like baked beans (or any kind of ketchup) with them.
This is my wife's rendition of a grass omelette.

grass omelette s.jpg

Many, many years ago I was rather partial to a grass omelette but that's another story.
I like my omelettes on the golden brown side...nothing runny. I tend to cut mine to fit on a english muffin and eat it with ketchup...i love eggs and ketchup.
  1. Beat eggs, water, salt and pepper in small bowl until blended.

  2. Heat butter in 6 to 8-inch nonstick omelet pan or skillet over medium-high heat until hot. TILT pan to coat bottom. POUR IN egg mixture. Mixture should set immediately at edges.

  3. Gently push cooked portions from edges toward the center with inverted turner so that uncooked eggs can reach the hot pan surface. CONTINUE cooking, tilting pan and gently moving cooked portions as needed.

  4. When top surface of eggs is thickened and no visible liquid egg remains, place filling on one side of the omelet. Fold omelet in half with turner. With a quick flip of the wrist, turn pan and invert or slide omelet onto plate. Serve immediately.
Hope you guys will like the recipe.
Interesting - I've not come across water being used before. I wonder how the omelette differs from one made with milk?
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