Interesting - I've not come across water being used before. I wonder how the omelette differs from one made with milk?
That is interesting as I always use a splash of water - it lightens up the omelette. Its only a small amount - maybe a tablespoon per 3 eggs. I'd never use milk! In fact, @Sameera's description is the same way I make omelette - the drawing of the edges towards the centre so the uncooked eggs spread outwards on the hot pan surface to cook. It achieves a light layered effect. I see most chefs sort of 'mixing' the egg with a fork or spatula as they cook it. To me that is more like scrambled egg. They always seem to cook it that way on Saturday Kitchen.
I ought to try and video making an omelette this way. It takes 1 and a half minutes (approx).