The Sleep Thread

I'd likely sleep better if my cat didn't like to push me off the bed. How a small cat has the ability to push a human off the the bed i don't know but Mr. Mew does it once or twice a sleep...i wake barely balenced on the edge of the matress or with my legs already hanging off the bed. Shutting him out of the room does not result in more sleep...that constant scratch at the door accompanied by meows does not lend itself to a goodnight sleep.

Mr. Mew just wants to sleep against you, not move you over. You are the big cat with the most body heat and angular comforts to share.

Selfish, apparently as you are... lol.
Mr. Mew just wants to sleep against you, not move you over. You are the big cat with the most body heat and angular comforts to share.

Selfish, apparently as you are... lol.

Then Mr. Mew needs to not sleep against me with all 4 paws pushing me towards the edge of the bed. Jack my other cat can coexist in the bed without me being pushed out. But Mr. Mew apparently has very chilly toes...or at least he thinks he does. I have a few drinks at night to help me sleep. It works.

I agree although I'm probably using it as an excuse. Unfortunately having had a few I'm awake at least twice per night to dispose of the liquid.
I am struggling with sleep, waking up at 2-2.30 in the morning and struggling to go back to sleep, I bought some sleepeaze pills. Took 1 last night, it didn't work so will take another tonight don't want to rely on them nust want some help along the way.
I am struggling with sleep, waking up at 2-2.30 in the morning and struggling to go back to sleep, I bought some sleepeaze pills. Took 1 last night, it didn't work so will take another tonight don't want to rely on them nust want some help along the way.

Firstly I'd ask yourself if there is something worrying you (however trivial). There was something bugging me last night and I went to bed and woke up 3 hours later - at which time of course any problems seem to become elephant sized and its very difficult to get back to sleep! I had to force myself to concentrate on something soothing...
Firstly I'd ask yourself if there is something worrying you (however trivial). There was something bugging me last night and I went to bed and woke up 3 hours later - at which time of course any problems seem to become elephant sized and its very difficult to get back to sleep! I had to force myself to concentrate on something soothing...

Not really, my life is easier since my boss left-I had many a sleepless night wound up and angry-but as things are now, all is fine. Nothing is on my mind when I go to bed or when I wake up, I think the main problem is that it is so cold and dark when I get home I am not going back out to walk or run so I think lack of exercise has something to do with it, not tireing myself out.
Not really, my life is easier since my boss left-I had many a sleepless night wound up and angry-but as things are now, all is fine. Nothing is on my mind when I go to bed or when I wake up, I think the main problem is that it is so cold and dark when I get home I am not going back out to walk or run so I think lack of exercise has something to do with it, not tireing myself out.

Could be - maybe a home exercise routine?

When was the last time I ever did that? :laugh:
My wife changes sheets every Saturday. If we have friends coming over she goes hyper cleaning everything friends might see. We used to have a cleaner, man that was funny. She would tidy up the night before the cleaner came. Who does that? Then we found out the cleaner ate here at our place, even helped herself to cans of drink. We had to let the cleaner go when she was caught stalking her work colleague. Real serious that was. I'd hate to be a woman.

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