Well, I'm a morning person, that's for sure. I also prefer about 8-9 hours of sleep, but I used to be able to get by on less.
When I was a kid, my dad had a rule that no one could sleep past 6AM. If you were in bed at 6AM, he'd wake you with a splash of cold water, blast from a fox horn, or getting tipped out of bed. As such, I have zero need for an alarm clock. My internal body clock is so attuned, I can tell myself the night before that I need to be up at 5AM, and I'll wake up at 4:50AM.
When I wake up, I'm not groggy. I'm 100% alert before my feet ever hit the floor. I also can't stand to linger in bed or sleep during the day.
My normal hours, even weekends, are to be in bed between 9:30PM-10PM, and up between 5:30AM-6AM. Mornings are my favorite time of day.
I do wake up a few times throughout the night, and as weird as it sounds, I much prefer that to sleeping straight through. When I sleep straight through, I wake up and feel like, "Hey, I just went to bed! I haven't slept at all!"
Waking up a few times, I can see the clock and think, "1:30AM...four more hours of sleep! Yes!"
I did, for years, put up with sleep paralysis, which isn't that uncommon, but my episodes were pretty intense at times. Now, I make sure to never ever under any circumstances whatsoever fall asleep on my back, and that's reduced my episodes from two or three a week to two or three a year.
My wife got me a heavy blanket (it weighs 25 pounds, nearly two stone) and I love that. I used to achieve the same effect with multiple blankets.