The tea thread

I have just remembered this, the stuff of nightmeres.

That second batch she makes, with the instant tea and Tang, that was crazy popular here in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s. It’s called Russian friendship tea.

My mom always had a big jar mixed up, and my sister does to this day.


Sweet Steep
I have just remembered this, the stuff of nightmeres.


Reading this thread, I'm hoping Brits have an understanding of why I cringe when I see what most people do to chili (con carne). It is the official State food of Texas. It was created in Texas, and has the culinary significance of tea to the British.

It seems there is a right and wrong way to make and drink tea, but you can make (and spell) chili any darn way you want.

I think from now on, I'll make my "tee" with Lipton tea bags, and maybe even pronounce it "tay."

why I cringe when I see what most people do to chili (con carne).
Why not start a Chili/Chilli/Chile con carne thread? Show us what a genuine Texas CCC is all about and the wonderful aberrations that abound across the rest of America? (and I'm thinking - Cincinnati :hyper: :hyper: )
Why not start a Chili/Chilli/Chile con carne thread? Show us what a genuine Texas CCC is all about and the wonderful aberrations that abound across the rest of America? (and I'm thinking - Cincinnati :hyper: :hyper: )

I already posted a "genuine" and historically proper Texas Chili here... Recipe - "Authentic" Texas Chili (A Bowl of Red)

I'm okay with modifications, within reason. But when it gets to the "tea and Tang" stage, that's when I cringe. As for the spelling, we invented the dish, and we spell it chili. :D

Southern sweet tea is not proper English tea. But, it is stinking HOT down here, and iced tea is very refreshing on a HOT day.

In fact, the tea blends that make a good cuppa' hot tea are not the best for iced tea, and vice-versa.

When you think about it, there are many ways to make "tea" . A British cuppa (which they probably got from Indian chai), Indian chai or masala chai, Chinese teas like Pu Ehr, Hengsheng Angel tea, Japanese Macha tea, to mention just a few. Whether we like them or not is not only a question of taste, but also culture and heritage. No one country has a hold over the final result.
I already posted a "genuine" and historically proper Texas Chili here... Recipe - "Authentic" Texas Chili (A Bowl of Red)

I'm okay with modifications, within reason. But when it gets to the "tea and Tang" stage, that's when I cringe. As for the spelling, we invented the dish, and we spell it chili. :D

Southern sweet tea is not proper English tea. But, it is stinking HOT down here, and iced tea is very refreshing on a HOT day.

In fact, the tea blends that make a good cuppa' hot tea are not the best for iced tea, and vice-versa.

I'd suggest starting a how do you make your chilli? thread but having checked out yours I think mine might make you cry 😂
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