The tea thread

You kind of have to go with the social norms where you live otherwise you appear like you're trying to make a point and correct other people who don't necessarily want to be corrected. If I wrote Chili in the UK (which incidentally displays underlined in red as a typo here) people would constantly tell you you'd missed an L out.

There are lots of those sorts of things. Like the pronunciation of Tzatziki or Chorizo or prosciutto or Ciabatta or the spelling of houmous or the dropping of the h from yoghurt etc etc. I know they are being pronounced incorrectly most of the time but that's how the language has evolved so I roll it.
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I understand. The last time I was in London, I met some people in a bar, and we were talking about Texas. It was a pretty upscale bar, so I decided to buy my new friends some tequila shots. I asked the bartender what kind of tequila they had, and she said they had "only the best" liquors. She pointed to a bottle of Two Fingers tequila. :sick:

Then I bought a round of beers for my new friends.


Sheesh everyone knows its silver patron. Lol

Back to tea, I tried this Welsh tea for the first time:


I’ve include the translation as well. :laugh:

I must say, it’s quite good, I think I like it better than my usual PG Tips. :eek:
[Mod.Edit: This and a number of following posts have been moved from another thread to form a new topic (MG)]

I do like their hot tea. It isn’t (or wasn’t when I was going) the usual Awake! teabags - they’d moved to these…bespoke is the best way I can say it, teabags that were pyramid bags, but about twice the size of a PG Tips bag, and you got two.

I used to stop at a SB twice a week when I was going into the office those days to get it, but I had to stop and go to a different SB.

Why? Because the woman working the morning shift at SB used to annoy the crap out of me. My assumption was she’d just recently reentered the job market, because she was older, maybe 40ish, but had that annoying enthusiasm and cheerfulness a new worker who’s about 16 has, and I just couldn’t deal with that at 7 in the AM. :laugh:

Twice a week, every week, I’d stop in, get the same order, and you’d think she would have recognized me after a while, but every single time, she’d give me my tea and say, “Let that steep fer five minutes, but don’ throw those teabags out after that - those’re made fer a second steepin’, so when ya get ta work, ya can have another cup!”

Every time. Every 🤬 time for about three months.

Well with a mug like that, you'd think she'd remember you!

Sorry for the delayed response, I just noted you posted that several months ago :laugh:
My favorite tea is loose rose hip and loose hibiscus tea leaves. Place in tea ball, and steep till a nice deep red color. Add a bit of honey. Loaded with vitamins. Wonderful for helping with a cold. I like it hot. Mom would make a big pitcher for cold tea.
That brings back memories. Glengettie tea, wow. Memories of Uni!!
Back to tea, I tried this Welsh tea for the first time:

What was it like? It looks like full bodied type of tea. I've been drinking a new (cheaper than most) discovery:


Its really good and on a par with Yorkshire tea or PG tips if not better.

TastyReuben puts cream in tea so... well, its just not the way to taste tea...
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