I just discovered another hate - peeling quinces! Its a bit like peeling a hard squash but worse.
Using the deep fryer means that you need to wait a long time - hours - to let the oil cool so you can dispose of it. Then, I have to decide if it's worth straining and reusing, which involves a cheesecloth and a funnel. If I need to dispose of it, I need to fully let it cool so it doesn't melt the plastic container. Then, each component needs to be cleaned, some by hand (obviously, electric components require extreme care).
Besides all the raw meat in the meat grinder, it's important to clean the outside if the meat grinder as well as anything that's in the general vicinity, including the counter, cabinets, etc. This is for sanitary reasons. Most of the components do go into the dishwasher, but I always do a pre-wash first to get the larger bits of ground meat off of them.
The deep fryer makes the task of frying so much easier. Most crucially, it maintains the temperature you want, rather than having to use a thermometer clipped to the pan to monitor it and lower or raise the heat as needed. Mine cost about $40, which is a bargain; this is the one I have (though I'd never crowd the basket like this, unless I want everything to stick together):OK - I'm not going to buy that deep-fat frier I had my eye on. I'll stick to using a stainless steel saucepan on the occasions I deep fry!
Ha Ha Ha !!
I almost fell off the chair laughing so hard ..
I run my onions under ice cold water, and I do not tear ..
Have a lovely day ..
The deep fryer makes the task of frying so much easier. Most crucially, it maintains the temperature you want, rather than having to use a thermometer clipped to the pan to monitor it and lower or raise the heat as needed. Mine cost about $40, which is a bargain; this is the one I have (though I'd never crowd the basket like this, unless I want everything to stick together):
I do know people who swear by the oil-in-the-pan method. It certainly does work, but it does require monitoring the temperature as you go.
When I need a fried chicken fix I run to Popeye's or Raising Cain's. Both just down the road.Not worth the mess for the two of us.
In my case, I hate chopping onions. Its nothing to do with the fact they can make you cry. A good cry can be quite therapeutic. I just hate the fact I have to chop onions so often. So many recipes call for chopped onions! Boring...
Please note that several of the posts above have been copied to start a new thread as they were veering off topic. See here: What methods or equipment do you use to deep fry?
Should I also move the deep fried chicken posts to a new deep fried chicken thread?