
Tomato sliced and salted out of hand.
That’s what we do most often. I’ll look at a tomato and think, “What should I do with you?” and while I’m thinking, I’ll slice it up, salt it, and that’s that.

MrsT likes hers that way, or salt with a big spoonful of mayonnaise on the side, and of course, here, a tomato sandwich would be just sliced tomato and mayonnaise.
That’s what we do most often. I’ll look at a tomato and think, “What should I do with you?” and while I’m thinking, I’ll slice it up, salt it, and that’s that.

MrsT likes hers that way, or salt with a big spoonful of mayonnaise on the side, and of course, here, a tomato sandwich would be just sliced tomato and mayonnaise.
I'm with Mrs T on that. I liked smoked sea salt on them and have to eat one while I decide what to do with another.
Often I end up with a chopping boards worth of them sliced and salted next to the thing they were really bought for 😂
There's a French recipe I saw somewhere which is probably called "Tarte a la tomate" or something, because it's just a tomato tart. Anyone ever tried it? I've never got round to making it.
Not a tomato tart (which I do have a few recipes for lying around), but somewhat related - I only mention it because it’s a fantastic use of good, fresh tomatoes.

Recipe - Tomato Quiche

It’s one of my favorite things, and now I think I might make one this weekend. :laugh:
This is one of my favorite ways with tomatoes:


Mayonnaise, cheese, bologna, and tomato.
That’s what we do most often. I’ll look at a tomato and think, “What should I do with you?” and while I’m thinking, I’ll slice it up, salt it, and that’s that.

MrsT likes hers that way, or salt with a big spoonful of mayonnaise on the side, and of course, here, a tomato sandwich would be just sliced tomato and mayonnaise.

I think mayonnaise ruins their piquancy and freshness. It damps down their umami flavour with a creamy comfort blanket. Tomatoes need to be allowed to speak for themselves.
I think mayonnaise ruins their piquancy and freshness. It damps down their umami flavour with a creamy comfort blanket. Tomatoes need to be allowed to speak for themselves.
But a BLT needs a bit of mayonnaise.
I like both. Some plain without some with mayo. Bit like a dip for tomatoes, some you will some you won't.
Morning Glory didn't you say you really dislike mayo anyway or am I thinking of someone else?
I don't dislike it. I do have an intolerance of it. It makes me mildly nauseous even though I like it sometimes. Its mainly shop bought that is an issue. If I make myself I can eat it in small amounts. I do dislike the way it's used indiscriminately in all manner of sandwiches and salads. I like it in more classic old school dishes such as 'eggs mayonnaise', so that its centre stage and a treat.
I've been reading about a tomato argument, the sort only foodies can have.
I read this and thought that would have MG upchucking 😆

"Food writer and Vittles founder Jonathan Nunn countered DeRuiter with a different rule, saying that “a tomato sandwich is not only a thing of beauty, it’s literally the only time tomatoes are allowed in sandwiches”, and proceeded to give his recipe: “toasted, possibly buttered bread. one, plump, sliced tomato, olive oil, salt, pepper, half a jar of mayo, maybe a single anchovy, as a treat”.
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