
The man must be insane. Either that, or he works for Kraft, or Hellman's.
That's like putting 3 Carolina Reapers on top "to give it a bit of a bite".
Can't help but think he was exaggerating to emphasise a point like folk sometimes do when they are arguing.
But yer I like mayo I find it a great fat for carrying other flavours but half a jar blurghhh 😆
There's a French recipe I saw somewhere which is probably called "Tarte a la tomate" or something, because it's just a tomato tart. Anyone ever tried it? I've never got round to making it.

I made lovely tomato tart with home grown black tomatoes. Will find a link.
A while ago I was listening to the radio and they were talking about pre-made sandwiches (how popular are, how they're made and distributed etc etc) and they got onto the topic of tomatoes in them and how they managed to not soak the sandwich.

Apparently they use a special type of hybrid tomato they came up with especially for sandwiches. Seedless to reduce the water content and maximum flesh.

I would really like to grow some of these but do you think I can find out what they are? Nope.

If anyone else knows please do clue me in! 🙏
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Can't help but think he was exaggerating to emphasise a point like folk sometimes do when they are arguing.
But yer I like mayo I find it a great fat for carrying other flavours but half a jar blurghhh 😆
A half-jar on a sandwich is just ridiculous! Any mayonnaise aficionado knows, it’s a quarter-jar on the sandwich, and a quarter-jar on the side for dipping! :laugh:
It kinda sounded like you were criticizing your photo of the previous tart?
I was. SandwichShortOfAPicnic appeared to be replying but I was confused as she also seemed to be replying to @karadekoolaids post which was about the other tart. She has now said her post was in the wrong thread anyway. It's of no consequence.
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