mass market "smoked bacon" in USA is "created" by injecting liquid smoked flavorings, in addition to the "liquid curing agent" . . . followed by packaging and labeling "smoked" in about 20 minutes.
we have a Amish market nearby - one seller had dry cured, sugar&salt (hand) rubbed, hung and air dried bacon - one could add "aged" but air dried implies that. it was phenomenal. sigh, he retired and apparently his successor is not continuing the traditional method - and his stuff is no better than the mass market stuff.
I can understand his successor did not continue - the original purveyor had a large barn/inspected et al/ facility and he told me it took between 4 and 6 months of 'hang' before it was 'ready'
bought some dry cured from the 'net - it wasn't bacon, it was pork jerky. I'm still using it - diced fine - as a bacon add for beans/stews/etc. for breakfast bacon,,, no.