Travel Plans 2025


Wannabe TV Chef
19 Nov 2021
Local time
10:53 AM
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
So now we're into that last quarter of 2024 and I'm already planning our travels for 2025.
SO EXCITED!! :woot:

So far, it's sure that DH & I will be flying back to Honolulu Oahu Hawaii for another month long stay in the apartment that we've stayed in for years.
I like that if you've stayed here say in June of last year, the following year, it's yours at first dibs.

Besides that, we've been talking about:
a) River Boat Cruise in the USA (much smaller - less than 200 passengers)
b) a multiple days trip aboard a Train in either the USA or Canada

We have been on an Ocean Cruise line and didn't much care for it.

Now, gimme a long Road Trip any day of the week and I'm IN!!
DH is still trying to get his feet wet with driving the car, so there's that.

What have you and yours got penciled in so far?
Absolutely nothing.
Our travel plans tend to centre around the boys and their families. The one in London is working on buying a house ( so he probably won't need us buzzing around in his new place) and my 3rd son is just about to move to Atlanta with his 2 . We may go to the beach...:D:D
My wife has spent the past 6 months in the UK, Ohio, and the UK again. Back home at the end of September.
Rocklobster I can't blame her either... I don't think I'd do a Ocean Cruise again.
I also won a cruise, ocean cruise, from Los Angeles to Ensenada Mexico, NO BUENO!!!
I've been watching You Tube videos lately about River Cruises here in the US.
She has a fear of being near deep water. I can get her in a pool or waist deep in the ocean but that’s about it. She’s nervous on a boat of any kind so I don’t bother doing it.
How exciting TastyReuben , I can't wait to hear all about it.
Is there an approximate departure date?
Nope, whenever companies give away cruises like that, they have a lot of restrictions, so you’re usually given very little notice and you’re usually left with the sort of the crumbs of whatever cruises they haven’t sold out. It’s a crapshoot.
Honolulu Oahu Hawaii
As you mention Hawaii, a high school friend of mine said she will visit her sister and sister's husband and their 2 dogs on Hawaii this December.
Her sister married an American, and they have just finished building their house on Hawaii. Unsure of the exact location, but I believe she said Big Island?
She has a fear of being near deep water. I can get her in a pool or waist deep in the ocean but that’s about it. She’s nervous on a boat of any kind so I don’t bother doing it.
My brother was/is the same. As a kid he was that bad that he couldn't walk over a bridge if he could see the water through the slats. It made life very difficult at times because it was totally irrational. He'd happily wade waist deep through the very same river or creek, but not walk over a bridge across it if he could see water :banghead:

given our frequent holidays to places like the Yorkshire dales, the lake district, the highlands and islands of Scotland and many, many family holidays to Scandinavia it caused many problems including never getting to touch the glacier we had trekked almost all the way to because he wouldn't cross that bridge and I couldn't leave him behind. Parents were not to be seen at the time.
When we first got together I thought she was just being a bit dramatic, but as time went by and we encountered situations around water and boats I came to realize that it was a real thing for her. We've been on vacations around the ocean and she's fine on a beach and stuff, but doesn't care to actually go in. She has a few times, but just to try it, and has never cared to repeat it on the same trip. She hates bridges also. Personally, I don't miss it much because I was never a boat person nor am I interested in cruises and such. Even swimming. I can swim enough to save my life and I'll go in to cool off, but now that my kids are grown, I don't play around or swim for exercise. So, no big loss for me.
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