Travel Plans 2025

My brother was/is the same. As a kid he was that bad that he couldn't walk over a bridge if he could see the water through the slats. It made life very difficult at times because it was totally irrational. He'd happily wade waist deep through the very same river or creek, but not walk over a bridge across it if he could see water :banghead:

given our frequent holidays to places like the Yorkshire dales, the lake district, the highlands and islands of Scotland and many, many family holidays to Scandinavia it caused many problems including never getting to touch the glacier we had trekked almost all the way to because he wouldn't cross that bridge and I couldn't leave him behind. Parents were not to be seen at the time.
That's interesting. I had a similar phobia of seeing water through the slats on wooden piers when I was a child. By the time I was an adult it had disappeared. With me it was hesitancy on whether the wood was well constructed I think, because I jumped off the Destin bridge (concrete) from about 30 feet up into deep water as a young teenager and was always active in water sports, scuba diving, swimming, etc. with no issues. And I loved/love boating.
Timenspace ,yes, the "Big Island" is the local nickname for the Island of Hawaii.
hawaii 123.jpg

Pardon my free hand writing on the photo that I found online.
(photo credit world atlas)

<edit - I forgot, the last time we were home, I found that folks who live on the Big Island prefer that it be called either Hawaii Island or The Island Of Hawaii and NOT the Big Island.>
Hawaii Island or The Island Of Hawaii and NOT the Big Island
Really? Thank you. I did not know. So the name preference is a newer occurence?

Will surely need to look at a map and freshen my general geo knowledge, but your map is perfectly clear!

I forget where she will, oh yes, she will have a fly over connection in New December, it has to do with seasonal flight offers...
It is, yes! Very long. We teased her she could have a 2 week layover in NY to enjoy the NY city...😅and relax inbetween flights...
That's actually not a bad idea. About a week would work. I'd tell her to stick to Manhattan and not bother with the other bouroughs. But if she's going during the winter, it's not as much fun. The Statue of Liberty, for instance. You have to take a ferry out to Ellis Island and standing in line in the cold to go out there is uncomfortable. Plus it's just so much prettier when the weather is warmer. I think early Fall would be a good time to go. I took my mom and one of my sisters and we went in late summer. Had a good time. We were there for four days and saw enough.
That's actually not a bad idea
Actually, you're right.
She will do what she wants, but imagine all the Christmas decorations and lights, you could nest in warm cafes, restaurants...but in reality, one always gets up walking way more than planned, or it is a huge city N probably get tired at noon, and you have till evening...

You still have vivid memories, I see, that is lovely.

Well, she'll tell, and I'll it all went down for her vacay, on the way to the vacay.😄
Actually, you're right.
She will do what she wants, but imagine all the Christmas decorations and lights, you could nest in warm cafes, restaurants...but in reality, one always gets up walking way more than planned, or it is a huge city N probably get tired at noon, and you have till evening...

You still have vivid memories, I see, that is lovely.

Well, she'll tell, and I'll it all went down for her vacay, on the way to the vacay.😄
Well it was the year before my mother died, so yeah, I won't ever forget it. She had never been and always wanted to go so it was really fun for her. My niece lives close to NYC (hates the city) so when she has to go work there in the winter, she tells me how awful and cold it is. And she always tells me if I ever go there again to stay away from Queens, the Bronx, etc. Manhattan is the cleanest with the most to do and see.
close to NYC (hates the city
No wonder...I had a tiny portion of that frustration,I sincerely felt it while visiting Paris. A remarkable, beautiful city, but big, noisy, hustle and bustle, distances are huge, you need to change metros up and downstairs, it takes forever to go from a to b, you get tired sooner rather than later...and I concluded, nah, not for me, not anymore...prefer peace, quiet, silence, nature, relative solitude, walking...

So I totally get your niece, it must be even more so in N Y.
No wonder...I had a tiny portion of that frustration,I sincerely felt it while visiting Paris. A remarkable, beautiful city, but big, noisy, hustle and bustle, distances are huge, you need to change metros up and downstairs, it takes forever to go from a to b, you get tired sooner rather than later...and I concluded, nah, not for me, not anymore...prefer peace, quiet, silence, nature, relative solitude, walking...

So I totally get your niece, it must be even more so in N Y.
Yes, she lives nearly 2 hours from the city. When I went, we took taxis or the subway and walked. Most of the time we took taxis when mom was with us just because she couldn't handle all the walking. Just getting to the subway up and down the stairs is taxing (especially for someone who was 88 years old).
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