What drives people to people like Trump?:
We had Chrysler, Ford and GM automobile plants here. The commerce flourished. Huge employers and tax base. Good pay and amazing benefits.
Why'd they leave?
Politician's promising local voters money from lawsuits and legislation against the plants for several reasons, if they vote for them.
It's why we have no plants here any more.
Democrat politicians.
Plant relocated to areas of the US with work ethics. Non-democrat areas.
Democrat Politician's tried the same stunt recently with Disneyland. An enormous employer and contributor to the tax base and employment and wide reaching commerce effects.
Democrats promise money to local voters thru lawsuits and legislation because of the traffic, the smell of the churros being fried, the noise from the train whistle and fireworks if they vote for them.
No mention Disneyland was built before those voters homes were. These people knew what-was-what then and now.
Politician's showed in the campaign ads and literature and news sound bites families trying to make it on Disneyland pay and failing.
No mention no one held a gun to the head of these people to take that entry level, no skills job. It's Disney's fault that these people are irresponsible?
Never showed nor mentioned that with dedicated work after a short time transferring to lucrative tipping positions open. Promotions to well paid career level jobs and onto management eventually open too - to everyone.
No, we want it all right now. We're victims. Lets sue Diz.
Loading kids on a Diz ride my college enrolled nieces and their student friends got paid well over minimum wage, Kaiser health care, a few free and all discounted meals a week, $100 a week to share a utilities paid apartment with other girls, transportation, 401K,, all this and a work schedule arranged around their classes. Waiting list for students that'll take these no skill jobs while in school
So Disneyland now doesn't want to re-open from the COVID shut down just yet. These same Democrats are crying for them to open. The loss of over 1 million $$ in monthly tax revenue and lots of other revenue streams missing at the moment.
Diz is holding all the aces now.
I'm an independent voter. A head scratcher why people buy into Politian's rhetoric and a photogenic picture. The something for nothing theory. It puts people like Trump into office.
If it weren't for the British media we'd a never known about Democrat Katie Hill. A Pelosi favorite.
Promoted in the media and portrayed and protected as a sweet darling, dressed in an adorable sundress who's "moms a nurse and her dad's a policeman."
London press almost pointed her out as a wanna be Nazi Camp guard. The Bitch of Brentwood and rightly so.
Everyone voted for the picture.