Unusual names

My colleagues brother and his lady had a baby girl yesterday, her name is Orton.

I've always favoured unisex names and named my first two kids Jordan and Flyn (they were destined to be called that whether boy or girl). For some reason though, Orton sounds like a boy's name. I'm not sure why.
Reminds me of a joke:

Two young ladies with prams.

1st young lady: I'm going to name my baby Orson.
2nd young lady: After Orson Wells?
1st young lady: No, Orson Cart.

I think I'd better hide before I either get pelted with fruit or spanked.

My own real name is somewhat unusual, my first name is somewhat archaic and not used much now although I think it is still rarely used in the USA.

And my surname has three parts to it and is one of the tradition of Guernsey French names on the island.

The island is full of people with surnames such as Anquetil, de la Haye, Ozanne, Le Pelley, Le Tocq, Fallaize, Le Brun, de Moulpied, Ogier etc.
I've always favoured unisex names and named my first two kids Jordan and Flyn (they were destined to be called that whether boy or girl). For some reason though, Orton sounds like a boy's name. I'm not sure why.

We said the same about Orton, something about it makes it a masculine name
Reminds me of a joke:

Two young ladies with prams.

1st young lady: I'm going to name my baby Orson.
2nd young lady: After Orson Wells?
1st young lady: No, Orson Cart.

I think I'd better hide before I either get pelted with fruit or spanked.


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