Unusual names

I like the attitude they have in Iceland. Every baby name has to pass a National Committee to ensure that it is not too stupid.


I also subscribe to the idea that any child given an 'interesting' name should be given the right to choose new names for their parents on their 18th birthday.
My own real name is somewhat unusual, my first name is somewhat archaic and not used much now although I think it is still rarely used in the USA.

And my surname has three parts to it and is one of the tradition of Guernsey French names on the island.

The island is full of people with surnames such as Anquetil, de la Haye, Ozanne, Le Pelley, Le Tocq, Fallaize, Le Brun, de Moulpied, Ogier etc.

My wife's besty is related to Jacques anquetil. The French have roots in akaroa, an hours drive from me.

A bar in the Calif Desert we like to stop off at, Roc's Firehouse. On Cook st. owned by Roc Cook who is the cook.
Darnelle the bartender's mom gave her the name because it was the name of the tire store next to the hospital she was delivered at.
True take.
A lady I knew died here the other day, she worked with food catering her whole life. She made morning tea for the local high school the morning before she passed away. Her first name was nova, I've known two novas. This nova name was nova Mayo.

Recently found out that 1 of our storeman's 14 year old daughter called her son Bentley.
I used to play cricket with a chap called Daisy. Okay, that wasn't his real name, but it was how he was known. His proper name was David and he used to be known as Davie as a child. His little sister couldn't say Davie properly and it came out as Daisy. Somehow, it stuck and he never minded at all. He was always quite happy to be called that.
In something of a role reversal of the above, I also knew a girl called Woody. Her name was actually Stephanie, but as she told me when we first met, "nobody calls me that apart from my parents and my bank manager." Woody was a diminutive of her surname and everyone called her that. Her great pleasures in life were reading long Victorian novels, drinking wine and smoking dope, though not necessarily in that order.
You will probably doubt me but I swear this is true
When my DIL started teaching she worked at a middle school in New Iberia . A community 20 miles south east of Lafayette.
A. child in her class was named Shawtheed.

Spelled Shithead
I saw her roll book.
What insane, cruel parent would name their child Shithead?
My friends daughter just had twin girls, named piper and Lucy, the thing is the parents aren't married but both hate their own surnames, gave the daughters random surnames. Nothing like their own. Really weird, but the mother is really weird. I get on OK with her but she really is nuts.

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