What’s the next kitchen item you plan to buy?

I have this smoker which takes up much less space and is great for smoking small items. Its great fun to use: Sage by Heston Blumenthal. Not bad for £79 quid. Sage Smoking Gun

I should add that you can do dramatic dinner presentations if so inclined - with the use of a glass cloche to produce the magic 'reveal'.

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Thats actually what I have and its fantastic!

Out here its branded as Breville but its the same company. One reason I got that smoker box over something like a glass cloche was simply because I got a demo model with the smoke gun and wood chips for $80USD and it was all brand new, not a scratch. Always looking for those deals lol.

You’re right though, definitely some great wow factor using the smoke gun, my mom was really impressed when I smoked some cheese with it at the table not too long ago. I don’t drink cocktails much but I wouldn’t mind playing around with some smoked drinks in the future.
Take the Heston Blumenthal name off of it, and it would sell for 29-quid. :laugh:

But seriously, those smoke guns are good for lightly smoking small items. I cold smoke cheese every winter, so I can do it outside and not melt the cheese. I made my own smoke producing device with a tin can, a soldering iron, and some wood chips. It cost me less than ten bucks, and works great. I took a picture of it, but can't seem to find it. A smoke gun would alow me to cld smoke cheese any time, but I kinda' like making it a cold night in winter activity.

Great use for it Casey - I do similar and have had some good results. Again for me it works nicely in an apartment setting but its still nice to have for doing a quick smoke when you don’t feel like getting the full size smoker primed up etc.

I’m kind of curious now what else I could use it for that I haven’t thought of yet. Might be time to dig it out of the kitchen cupboard soon.
Great use for it Casey - I do similar and have had some good results. Again for me it works nicely in an apartment setting but its still nice to have for doing a quick smoke when you don’t feel like getting the full size smoker primed up etc.

I’m kind of curious now what else I could use it for that I haven’t thought of yet. Might be time to dig it out of the kitchen cupboard soon.

Cheese is a sponge for smoke. You have to experiment with different cheeses to find what you like, and don't like. Gouda is a natural fit for smoking. I also like smoked Swiss.

Setting up my "smoker" for cold smoking cheese is not a big deal. The smoker is just a container for the smoke. You could use anything. Alton Brown uses a cardboard box and a homemade smoke generator like the one I use.

My slow cooker just arrived, and I already know the first recipe I'll cook in it which will be pork loin. I'll probably cook it this weekend.
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Can’t wait to see the results! I did a pork loin for Christmas one year in my slow cooker, with an orange and cranberry sauce. It was delicious.
My slow cooker just arrived, and I already know the first recipe I'll cook in it which will be pork loin. I'll probably cook it this weekend.
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That's hands down my favorite cooking appliance. I bought one when I was still on disability and had a super tiny kitchen, and it's still working 10 years later and my trusty friend for lots of things. You'll love it!
My slow cooker just arrived, and I already know the first recipe I'll cook in it which will be pork loin. I'll probably cook it this weekend.
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Luckily, I was blessed! Mine was given to me, & this was sometime before I got the Ninja Foodi. But I also wanted the Ninja Foodi when I went to look at it because of all the incredible things I can do with it. If I wanted to, I could use it in place of the stove to cook an entire meal!! I love the fact that it can also even be used as a small mini oven to bake things in small amounts!!! :whistling:
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