Putting this sandwich knife in the gadget thread as the tip makes butter ‘noodles’ to make spreading hard butter easier.
There are reviews saying they don’t like the new end but I’ve just had a go and it worked a treat.
The true test of its usefulness will be known when it’s in my bag and the butter has to be spread straight from the supermarket fridge onto the bread while it’s balancing on top of panniers

If it’s rubbish it won’t make it back to Blighty as kitchen bag space is very precious!
Pretty sure the Victorinox will be a keeper. I’ve never had a bad Victorinox product

and this one’s way of encasing the blade is perfect for loose in a bag.
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Bit of a crossover into the picnic thread for this one.
I always favour round ended knives when travelling, they don’t look threatening and the laws in the UK around carry a knife are quite strict, they probably are in some other countries too.