Got our Aeropress yesterday, which people seem ga-ga over, and it was very underwhelming, and that’s being generous.
First, when I poured the hot water in over the ground coffee, it immediately passed right through the coffee and filter and straight into the cup.
I added some more water, quickly stirred it and got the plunger on, which stopped it going through (at least that part worked), then after 30 seconds, gave it a gentle push…and coffee squirted out all over the place!
As if that weren’t bad enough, one of the things it touts is ease of cleanup (minus the coffee shower, I suppose) - they show a person happily removing the bottom cap, the coffee and filter still tucked nicely up in the tube, which gets cleanly ejected into the trash.
Thankfully, considering the issues thus far in the process, I decided to do that cleanup over the sink, and it was a good thing, because as soon as I did…PLOOP!…the wet grounds and filter ejected themselves all over the sink.
I expect a little getting-to-know-you the first couple of times, but this was an unmitigated disaster, failure at every step.
I’ll try it two more times, and if things don’t improve (Aeropress says my grind is likely either too coarse or too fine - that’s not as helpful as it sounds), someone at Goodwill can fight with it.