Forum GOD!
My mom has Glaucoma, and has had cataract surgery. Her Glaucoma is easily treated with drops, and the cataract surgery made an enormous difference. My dad had his done a few months ago, and wishes he would have done it a few years ago. Yes, you will be happy you did it. Follow the post-op instructions EXACTLY. G will have to put off the fishing camp while you have this done, because you'll need help with drops, and won't be able to bend over, or lift anything over ten pounds. You won't be allowed to drive, either, for a couple weeks after each eye is done. But, when it is time to get his done, you'll have to do the same for him.
BTW, I'm expecting my Gastroenterologist to start bugging me for my next Alien Butt Probe soon.
Kinda like the digital prostate check I get every two years, necessary for self preservation. It doesn't bother me.