Prostate exams...I've had mine checked digitally (and I don't mean a computer) two or three times (I may have blanked that first one out

). Seriously, guys make a huge deal out of it, and it's not as bad as all that - certainly not as bad as what I imagine a female goes through for a pelvic exam. All a prostate exam requires is finger - there are actual medical implements crafted for what a female gets subjected to. Now
that's a probe!
BTW, for those of you who have Netflix and you want a laugh, it's worth watching the episode of The Kominsky Method where the lead character (Sandy Kominsky, played by Michael Douglas) gets a prostate exam. The doc is played by Danny DeVito, and it's absolutely hilarious. You don't have to have watched any other episodes to enjoy that one.
I will add long-time internist, a male, has left the practice and has been replaced by an oh-so-cute 20-something nurse practitioner, female. They do a PSA test as part of my blood work, but I'm coming up due for the finger check soon.
I'm genuinely curious how she's going to play that. Is it going to be, "I'm a medical professional, it's just a gland to be checked, like any other," or will it be, "No way am I sticking my finger up your butt and tickling your sensitive bit...I'm going to refer you to someone else!"?
I have had female doctors examine my external bits before, and in a, shall we say,
hands-on fashion, but that could be seen as a lot less...uncomfortable for the doc than the Alien Butt Probe.