I'm excited for you! The surgery was a life-changer for my wife. She had the super-uber thick pop bottle glasses, now she's just down to drugstore readers (though she does need two different pairs).CD
My surgery is Monday. I start with three different drops, three times per day Friday. G will drive Monday and again Tuesday for follow up. I am excited! I may not need glasses or contacts after the surgery.
Echoing caseydog's scary-sexy advice: please, please follow the doc's orders to the letter, and if you have any confusion over the drops, call back and get it clear in your own mind. And please don't ignore that no lifting mandate, it's no joke. Prepare to have everything brought to you. I know that'll be hard for you, because you're a TCB kind of person, but just sit back and let G put the dishes away and all that stuff.
Good luck!