Young Ones they showed here, though you had to find it on MTV, but Bottom…OMG, definitely in the running of favorite show of all time. I absolutely love Rik Mayall (I know, I know…we’re talking about Ade here…) - I actually cried when he passed. I still get a lump in my throat when I catch him on TV unexpectedly.
Bottom caught me so off guard - had never heard of it, was just flipping channels, and happened to land on the very beginning of the first episode…seriously, what the hell is this?!?! Did he just hit that guy in the crotch…in the opening credits?!?!
The whole sex shop visit (“I’ll have you know I enjoy a rich and varied sex life!” - with his hand unknowingly clamped tightly around a giant todger on display

)…the whole condom scene with the flavors (“Strawberry-banana…peanut butter…cheese and onion - everybody likes cheese and onion, don’t they?!”

) - my god, MrsT and I couldn’t stop laughing.
I especially loved Ade’s various responses to his unlikely surname (Hitler) - invariably, someone would ask, “Any relation?” and he’d say something unexpected, like, “To who?” or (spoken with far too much gusto), “YES!!!”
I’m splitting my sides right now just thinking about it. Thank you!