Oh my Hemulen I love those!!! I think Morning Glory will like them too!
Our "friend" Angela Lansbury is also a very beautiful woman.
We use TV trays here pretty much every night.We also had tv trays which were metal or wooden foldable trays that people used to eat while watching tv.
I can feel the presence of a Morning Glory. We are off topic, and she'll probably blame me (again).
Hey MG, the clothing in West Side Story really was urban cool, IMO. I would wear some of those clothes (and look stupid in them at my age and pear shape).
Oh my Hemulen I love those!!! I think Morning Glory will like them too!
Once, I had a young Indian woman working for me, she was about 25. You know that classic 1970's "California Girl" look (like Farrah Fawcett)? She was like the Indian version a 1970's California Girl, long hair, big eyes, really pretty.NOW, I am VERY careful about saying anything that refers to anyone's age regardless if it's well-intentioned or not. I just don't "go there". LOL
Once, I had a young Indian woman working for me, she was about 25. You know that classic 1970's "California Girl" look (like Farrah Fawcett)? She was like the Indian version a 1970's California Girl, long hair, big eyes, really pretty.
At the office, she always wore Western clothing, just jeans and printed tops, whatever. One day, though, she said she wanted to show me a picture she'd just gotten sent from home (she was married and had a kid back in India).
I looked at the picture, and I saw a small boy with a woman in traditional Indian dress, just everyday dress, though, nothing special, and a man standing several paces behind.
"Oh, is that your mom holding your son? You two look alike."
It wasn't her mom, it was her. Basically, I just said, "Hey, you look 45 years old in that picture!"![]()
I have no idea. It looked like a photo taken in their home, like she had just come down the stairs and stopped, and he was still on his way down.Shouldn't he be in front of her?
Yes, it was. She was also in favor of doing the same for her son.Was your co-workers marriage in India and arranged marriage? That is still done there.
Our weather is bipolar. It was around 32 degrees this morning. I have on socks and a thin sweater (UK jumper - one of a few words I know thanks to James Acaster ;-). Notice that it will be in the 70s a few days from now.
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TastyReuben, you are not alone. I saw a woman that looked EXACTLY like my maternal great-grandmother when she was younger. I was so stunned to see her that I literally stopped in my tracks. The younger woman with her asked if I was okay and I replied with "She looks exactly like my great-grandmother. I was just stunned for a moment." The younger woman translated my words and the older woman got very angry. I didn't understand what she said but I'm pretty sure she was cursing me out. She wasn't as old as my great-grandmother but I wasn't given the option of explaining that I meant when my great-grandmother was younger (actually, she resembled a painting of my great-grandmother at about 30 years old). I was so embarrassed that I left the mall without completing my errands for that day.
NOW, I am VERY careful about saying anything that refers to anyone's age regardless if it's well-intentioned or not. I just don't "go there". LOL
P.S. I love Lansbury as well. She's another amazing actress.
A few years ago, I was out by myself running around, and I stopped in this little bar (which had remarkable food) for a drink and a snack.I had an encounter with a woman in her 80s a few years ago. It mainly contained expletives that I can't repeat from her. Mouth like a trooper. Went on for 10 mins.
I use perfume. Two fragrances - Armani Si for winter and Armani Diamond for the warmer months. An extravagance that I treat myself to. I only use perfume when I leave the house. Very infrequently since March. I live in soft, faded jeans, cotton shirts and Morell sneakers. I have gained 15 lbs in the last 18 months, I need to shop for a style that suits my profile. I have a sewing machine and know how to sew. I am thinking about trousers with asymmetrical tunic tops.Dare I ask, is anyone still wearing perfume or are we accepting our natural body smells? Second option for me. I have about 30 perfume bottles that haven't been opened since March.
I lived in NOLA for 4 years in the mid 80's. On Saturday I would visit the French Quarter with a few friends. There was a bar that we would step into and a little elderly lady would sashay in followed by a duck. She was always dressed in a flower printed shirtwaist dress, a hat with flowers, lace gloves and white sandals. She would hop on to a bar stool and order a draft beer. The duck would curl up under her stool. She would drink two beers - through a straw then sashay out with her duck following her. She was the Duck Lady. No one knew who she really was or where she lived but her daily regiment was to have two draft beers in the bar always with a duck. When her duck died she would get another one as a hatchling. The hatchling would bond with her and follow her everywhere. A true tale of the characters that you will meet in NOLA.A few years ago, I was out by myself running around, and I stopped in this little bar (which had remarkable food) for a drink and a snack.
Being by myself, I parked it at the bar, next to the cutest, sweetest, right-off-a-packet-of-cookies little white-haired granny you ever did see.
She had it all - little print dress, little handbag, reading glasses on a chain around her neck. She looked liked she'd walked right off a Hollywood set for an old grannies movie. Frankly, she looked out-of-place, sat at the bar like that.
She was just sitting there, drinking a small beer, little sip at a time, and watching the news on the TV over the bar. Little mindless smile on her face the whole time.
News story came on about a man who'd broken into someone's house and roughed them up during a robbery, and completely unsolicited, she looked at me and said, "If he tried that with me, I'd blow his fu****g head off!"
I lived in NOLA for 4 years in the mid 80's. On Saturday I would visit the French Quarter with a few friends. There was a bar that we would step into and a little elderly lady would sashay in followed by a duck. She was always dressed in a flower printed shirtwaist dress, a hat with flowers, lace gloves and white sandals. She would hop on to a bar stool and order a draft beer. The duck would curl up under her stool. She would drink two beers - through a straw then sashay out with her duck following her. She was the Duck Lady. No one knew who she really was or where she lived but her daily regiment was to have two draft beers in the bar always with a duck. When her duck died she would get another one as a hatchling. The hatchling would bond with her and follow her everywhere. A true tale of the characters that you will meet in NOLA.