Forum GOD!
A few years ago, I was out by myself running around, and I stopped in this little bar (which had remarkable food) for a drink and a snack.
Being by myself, I parked it at the bar, next to the cutest, sweetest, right-off-a-packet-of-cookies little white-haired granny you ever did see.
She had it all - little print dress, little handbag, reading glasses on a chain around her neck. She looked liked she'd walked right off a Hollywood set for an old grannies movie. Frankly, she looked out-of-place, sat at the bar like that.
She was just sitting there, drinking a small beer, little sip at a time, and watching the news on the TV over the bar. Little mindless smile on her face the whole time.
News story came on about a man who'd broken into someone's house and roughed them up during a robbery, and completely unsolicited, she looked at me and said, "If he tried that with me, I'd blow his fu****g head off!"
This was a very angry lady (loosely use lady) I thought I was on candid camera, people laughing except me,lol. She used the c word about 6 times.