I got my ‘foot massage’ outfit ready and all imaginings of wafting to and from the session all chilled out in drapey loose clothing left me when I completely lost track of time (by an hour) couldn’t find my car keys, my phone or my wallet (somehow all in different locations) and had to race around like a sweaty lunatic to eventually arrive 10 minutes late
So pics of me wearing today’s outfit didn’t happen but before the series of unfortunate events unfolded I had taken a couple of snaps of the clothes laid out as I’d not worn them before and wanted to check they would work together as planned.
The berry colours, reds and pinks are a riot and worked well. I thought I’d take a pic when I got back but it turns out the tiny Thai tyrant does not do the relaxing type of foot massage I had envisaged. After about 20 mins of pressing points on my feet I didn’t know could feel so much pain she got fed up trying to fix all ills via my feet and decided to go straight to the problem.
Suddenly I was being barked at to remove my clothing and was in only my underpants being tortured, I’m not entirely sure if she was standing on me at one point. I returned home to see the face and hair style of someone who had be dragged through several bushes backwards, with loose clothes hanging off them like they got dressed in the dark
I settled for a pic of the bottom of the distinctly 70’s vibing trousers because I felt like it would be unfair on Tasty not to.
It’s blurred because I could barely flippin walk after being released
Maybe next week.
Because yes stupid me had booked and paid for two sessions and I have to go back