What Cuisines/Dishes Are You Not Willing to Try?

This surprised me. What is the issue. Black pudding... you like that. Or am I missing a joke here. Very probably as I'm not my usual self and barely cooking.

I'll try most things and I would definitely try the Icelandic Hakari. Not sure I could eat a tarantula though. It could depen on how much you were prepared to pay me. I posted a clip of Gordon Ramsay doing eating a tarantula a while back.
I didn't even think it needed mentioning, but I wouldn't willingly eat a fu... "garden's-little-helper" spider. Hand to god, I'd eat human flesh before I'd eat a damn spider.

As a kid, I do remember seeing a video of some rainforest dwellers in the Amazon eating spiders. I think I've held a strong distaste for South America ever since. Every year, I'll see a news story about that annual Miss Bum Bum contest in Brazil, and I'll think, "I'd maybe like to see that one day," and then I remember, "No, that's where those people were eating spiders!" No Bum Bum is bummy enough to overcome that.
I am still working on the perfect recipe to prove you wrong...
Remember the Angry Frank bits from Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse? I would love to hear Angry Frank's take on pineapple pizza:

FRANK: Now don't get me wrong, George. I enjoy a slice of pizza now and again, and I'm partial to the sweetness of pineapple chunks on occasion.

GEORGE: Each on their own are lovely, Frank.

F: But when you go combining the two into a single food item to be consumed by the unsuspecting British public...NO!

G: It's an abomination, Frank.

F: When I open a box from Domino's and I see that Polynesian delicacy sat upon Italy's contribution to the culinary world, I just...OI! DOMINO'S! NO! I WILL TAKE YOUR PINEAPPLE AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR BACKSIDE POINTY END FIRST!

G: And you'd be well within your rights to do so, Frank. No court would convict you.


G: They're demons, Frank. That's what they are.

Medtran and I are pretty adventurous eaters, as I believe most here are. Is there something that just turns you off. Icelandic Hakarl is not something I would be willing to try, I understand that the ammonia smell is horrid.

We had shark when in Iceland, it was rather nice, no ammonia, apparently it depends on the area regarding how it is treated/served.
I'll pretty much try anything. Except tripe.

Once I accidentally ate cow's bowels at a friends house 😣 Animal insides are popular in portuguese dishes but no one in my family likes it and I had never seen that dish in my life. It was awful.
Once I accidentally ate cow's bowels at a friends house 😣 Animal insides are popular in portuguese dishes but no one in my family likes it and I had never seen that dish in my life. It was awful.

My mum used to,force feed me tripe and parsley sauce, I used to cut it up,and swallow it. I refused when I was about 12 . I can't even look at it now.

No, there is no cuisine I am not willing to try except raw whale or seal meat as eaten in Antarctica, or something I know is prepared in a way that doesn't work. Like boiled sheep's head. Roasted, sure, boiled, no.
There isn't a cuisine that I wouldn't try on principle, but for me, things start to look unappealing in Germany, then get progressively worse moving east or north.

Have you ever been in those regions?

Because the food here is pretty good, and better in Germany. Germans are known for their precision, and their kitchen reflects that. Not all is what it seems in stereotypes.
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