if we showed a photo of that it would just get @Yorky all unnecessary.

if we showed a photo of that it would just get @Yorky all unnecessary.
Piccies tomorrow !
I am sure there isn't, there has never been any left over pizza to eat cold the next day.
Onions fried, potatoes parboiled, broccoli parboiled, red pepper gently fried, red chilli pepper gently fried, kalamati olives, peas straight from the freezer. 18 or 20 eggs, I can't remember. Anyhow there's 3 days food there for the 2 of us for evening meals. Won't need anything else with them because there's plenty of veg in it already .
Parisian gnocchi
No pictures of the dish sorry but I made a really tasty chicken (thigh fillet) dish last night using mushroom XO. Served with sushi rice seasoned with ginger, sesame oil & furikake + a simple salad of tomato & cucumber.
I saw this jar in an Asian market a few weeks back & for $3 I couldn’t leave it there. Yesterday I was in another Asian market and they had gorgeous bundles of enoki. The XO is extremely spicy so I added a few vegetables & I felt the dish needed sweetness so I added some black garlic preserved in honey that was a Xmas present.
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