What did you cook, eat or drink today (February 2019)

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Reubens sammies made with homemade small-batch sauerkraut I started 9 days ago. It fermented pretty quickly this time.

2019-02-02 18.08.17.jpg
A first attempt at a green olive & thyme cornbread.

It’s good but … it could be better. I’ll use more cheese next time, and perhaps a few more olives. I’m waiting for my neighbours’ views, and in particular, the critical judgment of a 4-year old. If he likes it, then I’m happy.

Olive cornbread pic3 03022019.JPG
I can't cook ATM, so it's either takeaways? Or leftovers. I think there's leftover lamb leg meat, salads and new potatoes. Hmm. Fish n chips?? Her call.

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