What did you cook, eat or drink today (March 2019)

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I cannot offer any excuses for posting images of "spring roll samosas" on most days.

I just love them!

served 6 s.jpg

served 7 s.jpg
Samosa filling in an eggroll wrapper? Brilliant! What's inside?
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That salad looks lovely - quite unusual having blackberries with blue cheese and spinach. Is it your own recipe?
Welcome to CookingBites! Please - if you have a moment, please introduce yourself over in New Member Introductions.

That salad looks lovely - quite unusual having blackberries with blue cheese and spinach. Is it your own recipe?

Yes. I often try different combinations depending on what I have on-hand. Sometimes I'll see something in the 'fridge and go looking for a unique way to put it in a dish.
I cannot offer any excuses for posting images of "spring roll samosas" on most days.

I just love them!
Dang, they look good. And, this is such a smart way to build a samosa. There's none of that filling-the-funnel business: just roll them up! Here's what I mean by filling-the-funnel, which was what it looked like filling coconut-beet samosas:

Sometimes I'll see something in the 'fridge and go looking for a unique way to put it in a dish.

Me too! I have a great book 'The Flavour Thesaurus' which is very useful in that respect. As well as being a very amusing and witty book it lists ingredients and what they can combine with.
I nicknamed this the Leaning Tower of Heart Attack.
Aptly-named! Can you walk us through what we're looking at here? Those look like onion rings near the top, but what is heaped on top of them? And what sort of cheese is below them? NOTE: venison is a very lean meat, so that part (and the lettuce and tomato) isn't that bad for you. :)
Meal out yesterday because of hospital appointments. We don't do meat replacements in our household but this restaurant uses so many different types of soy meats/tofu that it is really interesting to eat there just to see what options exist if only to the catering industry.

Hubby had something really yummy (possibly the crispy soy beef with chillies and spices) which came with rice . Mine (Au Lac Phö soup, soy beef option) wasn't so great (came with a side salad) but was still pleasant though I'd not have mine again. I'd happily order his again though.



All of what you see are different types of tofu.
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Meal out yesterday because of hospital appointments. We don't do meat replacements in our household but this restaurant uses so many different types of soy meats/tofu that it is really interesting to eat there just to see what options exist if only to the catering industry.

Hubby had something really yummy (possibly the crispy soy beef with chillies and spices) which came with rice . Mine (Au Lac Phö soup, soy beef option) wasn't so great (came with a side salad) but was still pleasant though I'd not have mine again. I'd happily order his again though.

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View attachment 23161
All of what you see are different types of tofu.

Those both look yummy. Is there a reason you don't do meat replacements?
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