What did you cook/eat today (August 2017)?

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Took myself off to Tuscany for a week to try and recover from recent ill health.

I ate well!
Reference Char Sui/Moo Daeng:

@morning glory

I've been prevented from replying to your question on the "July cooking" thread (which I think is a bit silly) so I'll respond here:
morning glory - "Do you have a recipe for it on the forum? I just did a search and couldn't find it."
Yorky - "Recipe for the above: Empty the contents of the packet into a jug and add water to make a thin paste. Pour over the scored loin and marinate overnight in the fridge. Place on a baking tray and (in the halogen oven) cook for 20 minutes at 200 degC."
morning glory - "What is in the contents of this magic packet?"
Yorky - "She's thrown the packet away already."

I now have another packet so these are the ingredients:
Sugar (45%)
Iodized salt (22%)
Tapioca starch (14%)
Paprika powder (8%)
Spice? (1%)
Then a long list of chemicals.

I may not bother using it again.

Ah! Thanks for this. The July thread gets tied off so that people don't post August meals there but I suppose it is irritating if you want to reply to something. Anyway, it must be the paprika making the red colour - but only 1% spice? Its a wonder it tastes of anything except sugar!
That's incredible! Great dish and your pic makes me hungry. Just a few days ago on television, I saw this recipe and I thought it would be interesting to prepare it. I've seen that it takes a long time, how long have you used to prepare and cook it?
Its very fiddly to make Dolmades (stuffed vine leaves) so that is what takes the time. I think it too me about 45 mins altogether to make them and another 35 mins to cook them.
This morning temperature are a little bit better than days ago and I made these sweet crepes for breakfast....stuffed with Peanuts butter, strawberries jam, and some fresh strawberry. Topping: toated almond flakes seasoned with chestnuts honey.
View attachment 9561
Beautiful - so pretty!
Ah! Thanks for this. The July thread gets tied off so that people don't post August meals there but I suppose it is irritating if you want to reply to something. Anyway, it must be the paprika making the red colour - but only 1% spice? Its a wonder it tastes of anything except sugar!

There must be some colour in the chemicals. Actually it wasn't very sweet (I couldn't have eaten it if it had have been). And it's only marinade so affects just below the surface. I don't, as suggested, subsequently cook the marinade to use as a sauce on the finished pork; that would, for me, be over the top.
This morning temperature are a little bit better than days ago and I made these sweet crepes for breakfast....stuffed with Peanuts butter, strawberries jam, and some fresh strawberry. Topping: toasted almond flakes seasoned with chestnuts honey.
View attachment 9561


Lovely lovely !!

I like to have for a Sunday Brunch !!

All my best for a wonderful August and summer holiday ..

That is a cool open faced sandwich !!

Have a lovely weekend ..

It has a lid. To the right hand side but not yet installed. I was told off by @morning glory before for not showing the contents of the sarnie in the photograph

[Edit: I shall no doubt be told off again by @SatNavSaysStraightOn because I used a wide angled lense (18 mm) thereby distorting the shape of the sarnie].
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It has a lid. To the right hand side but not yet installed. I was told off by @morning glory before for not showing the contents of the sarnie in the photograph


I do not know anything about this Dear .. Perhaps, she just wanted the members to see the ingredients ..

It is fabulous any way !!!

Have a lovely weekend ..
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