It was a balmy 77 degrees (25 C) here our air-conditioned house! This week, though, it's more of a "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" factor. I still won't run our big oven when the A/C is going, though, if I can help it.
Today was a crazy, mixed-up day. I thought I had a haircut appointment, so I had planned ham, slow-braised cabbage, and buttered noodles. When I found out I was 24 hours early for my haircut

I figured I'd go ahead and make what was scheduled for Thursday: fried fish, homemade potato salad, and homemade coleslaw. I got busy making the slaw and salad. Just when I was ready to head to the grocery store to shop (they will fry your fish fresh for you while you shop) a long, low rumble of thunder and dark clouds bore down on the neighborhood. The last thing I like to do is
schlep grocery bags to the car in a pouring rain, so I went back to making ham, etc. The positive part of this story? Dinner for tomorrow is 2/3 done, and the grocery store will still fry the fish! Our supper, which included a simple salad. That's a sprinkling of Dukkah on the buttered noodles.