What did you cook/eat today (February 2018)?

A fave Libanese Restaurant that we go to fairly often ..

Assorted Mezze (appetisers ) including:

Babaghanuj - aubergine and tahine dip
Hummus - chickpea and tahine dip
Traditional Falafel ..
Made on the premises, a Lebanese Pita type bread ..
A glass of wine ( Rosé )
Dessert: An apricot, ginger, raisin, rose wáter stuffed Apple .. We shared it .. And 2 Café Espressos ..

Lovely and more than enough for the two of us ..
There are different types? lol

The kind that my favorite joint puts in their spinach and artichoke dip :)

There are globe artichokes (which are thistles) and are probably the type you mean. Sometimes just the hearts are used. Then there is a completely unrelated root veg called Jerusalem Artichokes (sometimes called Sunchokes). They are in my photo here (sliced) #1. They are the things that look a bit like potatoes. The two types do actually taste a bit similar.
I like eating lots of smaller dishes like Mezze. Then you can pick and choose and not eat more than you want.

@morning glory

Yes, we do it quite often .. We enjoy sharing Mezze ..

As we both eat a substantial breakfast and do our speed walk routine on the beach and then have a light tapa at 11.30am - 12pm and lunch for us is always 14.30 .. We never eat lunch earlier even if travelling out of Spain ..

We repeat a very light dinner 21.00 or so and on weekends 21.30 ..

Have a nice weekend ..

Lovely “one pot” chicken recipe from Nigella for an easy Sunday supper. Chicken with garlic, lemon, potato and rosemary. Think it’s from Simply Nigella but definitely can be found on her website.
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Sunday 4th ..

A simple quick shellfish paella with Valencian Arborio Rice and saffron ..

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With langoustines all the way from Scotland? Was listening to the really sad story of how most of the langoustines fished in Scotland are exported to Spain and apart from the small amount sold at high prices in the UK the rest are disposed of. Its partly our own fault as we simply don't eat enough seafood in the UK.
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