What did you cook/eat today (May 2017)?

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That would be much like a Korean dish on several levels. First, it's spicy food, then a one dish meal with a starchy side, and then a raw egg plopped on top to cook into the residual heat.

I was thinking of poaching the egg independently but I suppose if I heated the chili in a small frying pan, then I could add a raw egg in the middle."shakshuka" style.
Mangoes are really in season at the moment - we have a kitchen full of them.

However, I don't like them when they are ripe as they are too sweet for me so I have them raw and unripe like the Thais with salt and chili powder dip.

mangoes s.jpg

It's an acquired taste.
Since I also find ripe mangoes too sweet (but otherwise like them), I squeeze lime juice onto them and it transforms them! A slight tang and much more appetising.

I do the same with pineapple.

I also squeeze lemon juice into jam for the same reason, e.g. taking a little of the jam out (when opening a jar) and adding the juice of half a lemon stirred into it. Makes it slightly less sticky but, again, transforms the flavour!

I prefer peaches and apricots when they are underripe for their crunchy tang rather than the conventional soft sweetness.
Mangoes are really in season at the moment - we have a kitchen full of them.

However, I don't like them when they are ripe as they are too sweet for me so I have them raw and unripe like the Thais with salt and chili powder dip.

View attachment 6833

It's an acquired taste.
The Mexicans do that too.
I needed to use up the pearl barley. Didn't realise I had it in my larder! I cooked it in lamb stock (with lots of parsley) to go with the grilled lamb steaks and organic carrots. No photo since it looked ordinary!

I really like pearl barley - both the taste and the satisfyingly chewy texture. I will use it in place of rice (which I could easily live without). Pearl barley has twice the protein of rice and 3 times the fibre of it too (although brown rice is high in magnesium and is a good source of selenium).
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The Mexicans do that too.

If you buy mangoes from a street stall, you will receive a small plastic bag with chopped mango and another with chili and salt mixture. I prefer to keep the salt and chili separate.
If you buy mangoes from a street stall, you will receive a small plastic bag with chopped mango and another with chili and salt mixture. I prefer to keep the salt and chili separate.
Do you mean they put too much salt in?
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