What did you cook/eat today (May 2017)?

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I've had the bread maker out again today to assist in making pizza dough (first time). This is the initial one (tomato puree, liquidised tomatoes, red Thai chilis, sliced shallots, mozzarella, pepperoni, sliced mushrooms and dried oregano.

pizza 4 s.jpg
The halogen oven cooked finished product.

pizza 5 s.jpg

The heavens opened at around 15:00 today and the light virtually disappeared. That was taken with ceiling bounced flash at 5 o'clock [24 mm prime; f/11; 1/125s; ISO 200]

[Edit: the flash was positioned at 5 o'clock - the time was around 15:10]
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The dog had pork chops for breakfast.
Dinner tonight will be chicken and who knows.

Last night's vegetable was Brussels Sprouts.

Duck breast with an apricot, brandy and balsamic sauce, potatoes with thyme roasted in duck fat, carrots/asparagus. Not a pretty plate - I know it should only have one carrot, asparagus, three potato chunks and a drizzle of sauce, but it took nearly 2 hours and I was hungry.
Just a few from a quick session yesterday...
3 quiches - various fillings from balsamic caramelised onions to a slightly large (:whistle:) homegrown courgette baked slices with the balsamic caramelised onions....


then I added in some chocolate chunk scones for good measure, only I made the dough too thin, the oven wasn't hot enough (it only goes to Gas 5 and they really need gas 7 or 8!) and they didn't go brown because I ran out of egg glaze and after using 18 eggs in the quiches and 2 in the scones, I thought I had better hang on to a dozen or so for the weekend...


The photos are all taken under the kitchen light. It is going dark as I type this and well, the sun disappeared over the mountainside over an hour ago, and the kitchen doesn't get direct sunlight in the winter.

Should you need any other excuses, I took these on a 3 year old tablet that doesn't even have the ability to use a flash as an option.... my phone has a smashed screen at the moment and I haven't got around to replacing the screen yet... :whistle: certain chicks and chooks are taking up a lot of my time at the moment, and I over did it at the weekend.

Today's meal is Creamy vegetable Stew with sage dumplings, so I had better get on and decide if we are having it with suet-less dumplings or cobbler... I've considering neither and going with irish griddle cakes instead... again I need to make up my mind quickly because it should be served in an hour's time.... :cough:
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