What did you cook or eat today (April 2020)?

It look nasty, it totally mess, I ashamed of this.

I think its one of those dishes that is almost impossible to make look pretty. Co-incidentally I made a noodle omelette for lunch the other day. I didn't post the photos because it just didn't look good enough to me. But since you have posted yours, here are mine!


I think its one of those dishes that is almost impossible to make look pretty. Co-incidentally I made a noodle omelette for lunch the other day. I didn't post the photos because it just didn't look good enough to me. But since you have posted yours, here are mine!

View attachment 39405

View attachment 39404
Ciao MG,
Least yours can see what is my look as cow pat in field :eek: in deed this look nice.

Sarana x
My daughter enrolled (if that is the word) in the Hello Fresh thing for an introductory offer. She chose what she and the boys would like and then cancelled her subscription. Unfortunately they sent her a random pack after she had cancelled and she thought three of the recipes they wouldn't like so passed them to me.
This is the first of those recipes.

Pork Linguine with Courgette.

I was pleasantly surprised, quite tasty and a substantial meal.

Banana and Walnut Cream from the Hamlyn all colour cookbook.

Our opposite neighbours are very churchy and do this thing where they get given a load of close dated food from local supermarkets which they then distribute to the less well off or elderly. This time they had stacks left over for some reason and offered some to us. Amongst other things I grabbed a pot of double cream so needed to make something to use it up. This was the result.

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