What did you cook or eat today (August 2022)?

Last night we waited for the sun to go down to eat, a light seafood platter under the stars. Saw plenty of meteors too, a great night.

Photo not brilliant because of the low light, but you get the idea.

Last night we waited for the sun to go down to eat, a light seafood platter under the stars. Saw plenty of meteors too, a great night.

Photo not brilliant because of the low light, but you get the idea.

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How wonderful! I really miss having a garden
Last night I baked a conrflour quiche, filling was tofu, zucchini, eggs and garlic and some dry dill. Tomatoes are home grown by my boyfriend, in his garden.
The crust is lovely, I should have put some grease in the filling though, I think...do you put some oil or other grease in your quiche fillings?
The filling tastes good, but some grease and more salt would have been perfect.




I kayak bass fish. Largemouth bass. I always catch something. In summer at least. Thanks for asking.
So guessing there is a lake nearby? I know very little about bass fishing. I have fished on Lake Erie and caught Walleye and white lake perch, which I adore eating. I hate catching carp and catfish up there since I can't eat them. When I used to fish on the Gulf of Mexico, if we caught trash fish at least we could use it for bait to catch something edible. Fishing is fun all the same, but I am more of a food fisher than a sport fisher.

The kayaking part sounds really cool.
Snack time:


That’s Boar’s Head turkey pepperoni. The Hormel turkey pepperoni…I didn’t care for that. This one is tolerable.

I was also pleased to see Kroger stocking Concord grapes. Those seem to be getting harder and harder to find around here.
Snack time:

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That’s Boar’s Head turkey pepperoni. The Hormel turkey pepperoni…I didn’t care for that. This one is tolerable.

I was also pleased to see Kroger stocking Concord grapes. Those seem to be getting harder and harder to find around here.
We were briefly living in Arlington, VA when my dad was temporarily stationed at Andrews AFB just before we moved to Okinawa, and we had a fence in the backyard with Concord grapes growing on it. It was an old vine and had lots of big, fat juicy grapes. I would stand at the fence and eat until my mouth and hands were purple (I was about 3-4 at the time but I remember it well). For some reason I don't like Concord grape jelly/preserves, though. Those strawberries look amazing, BTW. I am just wondering about the food combination, though, LOL. Eggs, pepperoni, cheese, and fruit combined will probably have a chemical reaction in the intestinal tract and you might have some interesting odors escaping from your rear end later!
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