What did you cook or eat today (February 2021)?

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In the US, we also say Spring Onions and Coriander, too.
It's interesting how things can vary from region to region in our big ole' country. I grew up in Florida and they were called scallions, and here in Ohio the same. Never heard anyone refer to spring onions until I joined the forum.

Edited to add that TastyReuben pointed out green onions. Yes of course I have heard that as well, in fact when I buy them at the grocery store that's what they are called. Most of my family and friends who cook say scallions, though.
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Okay, I stand corrected. I knew that there were green squash (gourds in my neck of the woods). The acorn squash I have seen vary from a light yellow to a deeper orangy yellow. I have never seen yellow zucchini before, interesting. I don't care for any sweeter squashes (tastes too much like cooked carrots, yams, or sweet potatoes which I don't like) but I like zucchini and summer squash. I also don't like the larger ones, too woody.

I can sometimes get them (yellow courgettes/zucchini) and its reminded me of a recipe I haven't posted featuring them. I'll seek it out tomorrow... a bit of sunshine on the plate.
I wonder why we call it an eggplant anyway.

There is a white one - maybe that is why.

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