What did you cook or eat today (February 2025)

Cauliflower cheese

Cauliflower cheese, beef sausage, mashed potatoes and sauteed onions & bacon
A plate full of goodness for my wife and her canasta partners. I called this one an "oriental style " salad. It's got lettuce, watercress, tomatoes, red cabbage, quick-pickled carrots, toasted almonds, marinated poached chicken and a dressing made with soy, sugar, ginger, garlic and sesame oil.,
Oriental style salad.jpg
TastyReuben stupid question: do you make all of your own croutons? They look heavenly... and I'm a sucker for an entrée salad and it's just about that time of year ... what kind of dressing did you make this evening?
Yep, I always make my own croutons, and almost always from homemade bread. I have loads of bits and bobs of bread ends and such in the freezer. Even made from supermarket bread, fresh-made croutons, as simple as they are, are like comparing store-bought mayonnaise to homemade - it’s no competition as to which is superior, IMO.

This salad was dressed with this:

Recipe - Tomato Vinaigrette

This is a fantastic dressing, very flavorful - I use cherry or Campari tomatoes when it’s out-of-season here. MrsT even commented last night that, “This is the perfect dressing!”

I usually mix this up with my stick blender, but this batch, I used MrsT’s little smoothie blender. Dead simple.
It varies wildly from one place to another. Sometimes it’s inedible and poor nutrition and in other places it’s perfectly passable and nutritionally balanced.
Depends where you are as to whether you leave hospital malnourished. I kid you not!
It can also vary from meal to meal and day to day. One day the eggs are good and the lunch is awful, with dinner being great. Next day everything could be mediocre...or good...or surprisingly delicious.
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