I don't have air con. When it is hot, the curtains and all the door are kept closed and it keeps the house cool until late afternoon/early evening. Once it goes dark the windows and doors are all opened (as are the curtains) and kept that way. Everything is on flyscreens so no insects unless they come in with you. Once it gets light again, all the windows and curtains/doors are closed up for the day. I usually sit out on the veranda in the morning, until it gets too warm before coming in to the cool of the house. Cooking outside will be no different to cooking inside, In the summer, I can't have the oven or even the rings on because it gets the house way too warm. So the BBQ will help considerably even if I cook in the morning, and simply reheat everything for the evening or eat it cold. Even boiling rice on the cooker in summer is too much, so anything will be better. It's just a totally different way of living that you have to adapt to or quit and return to the northern hemisphere with your tail between your legs. lol