What did you cook or eat today (June 2020)?

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I used to soak wood chips, but discovered that it gives a nasty, acrid, white smoke instead of thin blue, which is really what you want. I don't use wood chips anymore, but when I did use them dry, I got much better results.
Thanks. Did you have any issue with them catching on fire?
Thanks. Did you have any issue with them catching on fire?

No, but I only cook at 225F for low and slow. I recently (within a year) did a cold smoke by making a smoker out of two aluminum pans and a rack. Heavy foil on the bottom pan and wrapped the soaked and drained chips (these were drained for several hours before use) in a foil packet. It was used to smoke some sweet potatoes. Worked great.

Arg! My memory is getting bad.

Recipe - Spicy smoked sweet potato salad
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Yep. I soaked some hickory wood chips in some water for a while, then set them over the left burner. Turned both burners to high, and after the grill heated up, turned the right burner completely off, and turned the left burner down to low, just enough to keep the grill at 275F. The ribs went on the cold side for 4 hours, turning, flipping, and swapping position every 30 minutes. The wood chips generated a nice little bit of smoke.
Got it, Thank you. I will give it a bash when we settle in. The couple who live in the apartment below us have a garden with this traditional type of Croatian set up. The slots on the front are for the spit

He said I can use it, we will see. 3 hrs till the movers come.

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Did you make that ice cream?
No, it's Turkey Hill ice cream. I don't really care for ice cream that much, though MrsTasty could (and nearly does) eat it daily. I might have it three or four times a year, at most.
I like butter pecan, praline, moose tracks, etc. I haven't eaten it in a few months. It is going to be stinking hot for the next two weeks so might be time to enjoy some ice cream!
Problem is this feeds 8 so I have to freeze the rest and although I have 2 fridges they fill up quickly. I have tried halving the recipe but it never quite tastes the same.
I used to soak wood chips, but discovered that it gives a nasty, acrid, white smoke instead of thin blue, which is really what you want. I don't use wood chips anymore, but when I did use them dry, I got much better results.

Yes, always use dry wood chips and larger wood chunks. Wet wood will leave an acrid taste, almost what a wet dog smells like.

I have an A-Maze-N smoke tube. Works great. Uses pellets that are widely available in many kinds of woods.


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