What did you cook or eat today (March 2021)

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Frito Pie. This has been discussed briefly in other parts of DC, but I made some tonight. I use the word "made" loosely. I "assembled it" would be more exact.

This is a staple at Friday night High School Football (American) games. In the name of "authenticity," I made it the same way the volunteer concession stand workers would at the average HS stadium. Fritos, canned chili (no beans), and pre-shreded cheddar cheese. I used Wolf Brand chili, as any Texan would. Just pour some chili onto Fritos corn chips, and add some shreded cheese.

This is best eaten in the bleachers of a football stadium, when it is really cold outside. But, it works surfing the internet in your office, too. :wink:


Note: This is often served inside the actual Fritos bag, but not always. The way I did it is easier to photograph and actually see the Frito Pie.

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