They tend only to eat whole fish or cross cut steaks of large fish. Even in "posh" restaurant on Hvar they eat fish and shellfish with their hands
That is wonderful. Maybe I err but I heard fish, poultry and pizza are ok to be eaten by hand? Plus seafood. Of course one can use a fork or a spoon to help out...
I have honestly regretted not knowing much more about fish, fish catching, fish cooking...being from Croatia with the whole amazing coast and islands...but it is how it is...maybe it will come later in life?
Seeing families and their boats and just the tradition of living a seaside life, knowing the winds, the amazing, I love whitnessing it the 5-8 days I spend at the coast...
In Zagreb, we rarely had fish, Mom would do deep fried sardines, occasionally, they were good, but not a favourite. It was also considered a rather expensive food for our budget then. Our cuisine was a mix of simple Croatian continental, some intl and some Bulgarian dishes...
My boyfriend used to hobby fish, so there is a chance that a) he will do the cutting beheading etc

and b) he can teach me about fish...
But also on my own I am more than willing to learn. I tried several years ago to learn the basic subsorting of white and blue fish, I forgot however all of it...