What did you cook or eat today (May 2024)?

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Looks good all!
I made for myself:


Really a great meal with a Salad.
These "chunks" are a dup of the Just Bare® brand, at HALF the cost!!!
I use to buy Tyson brand nuggets and strips, but no more!!! WAY too much batter coating nowadays.
Hubby really doesn't understand/comprehend calories at all.


Take a guess at the number of calories on this plate. I genuinely weighed everything, just to prove a point.


Compared to lunch yesterday when he wasn't home.

PS: Dinner equals lunch to the rest of the world. This is my North Western England roots showing! 😆
What is black pudding?
A mixture of blood, oats and fat stuffed into a sausage casing. Usually bought shaped like a thick salami. Usually sliced thickly then fried and served with an English breakfast. Either loved or hated here in the UK. Doesn’t sound or look particularly appetizing due to the ingredients and appearance but I love it, especially crumbled, fried and gently folded into mashed potato. The French have their version called Boudin Noir, likewise Spain with Morcilla.
PS: Dinner equals lunch to the rest of the world. This is my North Western England roots showing! 😆
We grew up having breakfast, dinner, and supper. I call them breakfast, lunch, and supper, and the generation after me calls it breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I’m transitional. :laugh:

My niece continually makes fun of me for saying “supper,” because to her, it sounds like something from 1840.
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