What did you cook or eat today (November 2020)?

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Staying in the British vibe, beer battered cod, thin cut chips & mushy peas.
Plans for today:

Breakfast - to be made shortly - pancakes with home-frozen raspberries (picked at a local pick your own locale). It will be a half-recipe so I am using 3 quail eggs instead of 1 large chicken egg.
Lunch - that green bean casserole with mushrooms and onion, from scratch. Need to test it out today!
Dinner - Old stewing hen chicken and dumplings - an attempt to make Mom's dumplings using her Bisquick flour. Back in the day, there were stewing hens in the grocery, although I suspect the one I have to hand is MUCH older. So longer for cooking.

I will also be making the poultry bone broth for Thanksgiving, using some of this broth.
Interesting. It has never occurred to me to use mushrooms for a sauce to serve on ham, especially a smoked ham. I'm intrigued.

Mushrooms go particularly well with most smoked meats. I had never incorporated it into parsley sauce before but I had a few mushrooms sitting in the fridge so I sauteed them off and stirred into the sauce last minute. It worked very nicely.
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